The Guardian Issue #7

Welcome to Issue 7 of The Guardian. I'll be your host Wolf Pup #4782. I'm a student of The Guardian Academy (TGA) ready to bring you all the latest news from the ecosystem.

There will be 3 sections:

  1. #Wolfish

  2. Live To Learn, Give To Earn

  3. Events

Be sure to subscribe and share with your friends: Wolves, humans, apes, pixelated men and women….everyone is welcome!

Let's dive in.

*Any links that are embedded from Twitter click on the timestamp to be brought to the tweet.


TGA Phase 2 Wave 1

If you're interested in TGA. Do not skip this article.

Proof of Guardianship

The evolution of TGA continues. The Guardians start it off with the off chain and on chain separation. Who's making their way to Guardian?

TGA Syllabus

If you haven't got your copy yet be sure to check out the TGA syllabus built by the team from Inside The Den.

This 6WU Is An Important Reminder


One of our fellow Guardians making the moves with his Penguin flock. Support just because. Maybe you'll also end up winning something cool in addition.


Another Guardian run platform curating some amazing pieces of art and inspiration. Check it out, support, and pass it along.

Live To Learn, Give To Earn

Over The Shoulder Opportunity For Guardians

If you missed this live, the recording is stored in the Guardian channel in discord.

Crypto Tax Class

Matty Dubs led the Crypto Tax Class on 2/22/2023 for Wolf Pup holders and TGA members. If you'd like the replay fill out the form in TGA or Wolf Den discord announcement section.

Waterfall Vs Parallel

Do you have 11 minutes to drastically increase the probability of what you want?

Capstone Project

Amazing Capstones! Would definitely recommend setting aside some time to go through these. Leave them some feedback after you do!


TGA Spotlight

Mark those calendars! Looks like this will be a first of many to come type of series. Who's gonna show up to this let TGA know!


You are your own guide. You are your own guard.

Live to learn. Give to earn.

Until next time! Stay #WOLFISH TGA

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