The Guardian Issue #8

Welcome to Issue 8 of The Guardian. I'll be your host Wolf Pup #4782. I'm a student of The Guardian Academy (TGA) ready to bring you all the latest news from the ecosystem.

There will be 3 sections:

  1. #Wolfish

  2. Live To Learn, Give To Earn

  3. Events

Be sure to subscribe and share with your friends: Wolves, humans, apes, pixelated men and women….everyone is welcome!

Let's dive in.

*Any links that are embedded from Twitter click on the timestamp to be brought to the tweet.


Guardian Medallion Benefits And Giveaway

Don't skip this!!!

The Connection Insider

Live to Learn. Give to Earn

Doc's on Day 27 now have you been following these 6WUs and coming seeing what others put as well? Might pick up a gem or two.

Live To Learn, Give To Earn

Journals Of A Guardian

Subscribe to this! Definitely definition of #WOLFISH Guardian, contributing while playing his own game #LivetoLearnGivetoEarn.

Are NFTs The Future?

Malek has a been a wealth of knowledge and contribution to TGA. Check out the knowledge vault for his other articles.

If they will be in the future...

Might Be Good To Learn How To Navigate It

Guardians Creating And Contributing

When Guardians create people seem to notice, prime example check this out.




If you missed this live I believe the replay will be coming soon with an article. Paul and Randy are absolutely fantastic to listen to. Hopefully this Wolf Pup will get to meet them one day. I'll put it on the next issue when it comes out.


You are your own guide. You are your own guard.

Live to learn. Give to earn.

Until next time! Stay #WOLFISH TGA

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