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Hyperbolic Chamber

Going thru a creative lockout where the perception of time is lost

You might ask why did I name this chapter Hyperbolic Chamber? What does that has to do with music or creating it. Well, it remind me of Akira Toriyama and how crazy he really built a universe on Dragon Ball Z. In the series it was referred to a place in the universe where some characters will go to train because one year inside the chamber was the equivalent to one day on earth. So it was a chamber where time and reality was lost and you could really train up so that when you where back into the world you where more prepared to fight.

This is what being in the studio for long consecutive hours sometimes feels like. You are so focus and invested in what is sounding from the speakers that time seems to fly and 6 hours of working on a songs can feel like 1 hour. You lose track of eating and even drinking water. I remember my first actual payed work that was like the hyperbolic chamber experience. It was when I did a more than 24 Hour lockout in a studio in Hollywood. Didn’t saw the sun almost all the weekend and I was eating only instant noodles but I certainly got done a whole EP. I mean a whole 6 songs from instrumental, songwriting, recording and mixing.

You see, LA is a particular city in terms of music industry because a lot of artist come either to record a music video or for an event or award and they immediately hit the studio to record or link with a producer. That’s where the chamber comes in because these artist are willing to stay a whole week or month to finish a whole project and it usually means long and crazy hours at the studio where you get pushed to almost the limit because no matter what you do after long hours working on music, you’re creative mind gets tired and you have to push thru to keep giving the best out of you. As of the artist, he needs his body and mind mostly for the recording process. The engineer is the one that really has to get everything together from music, recording and delivering.

It’s on those moments where you truly have to remind yourself why are you doing this? Part of me tries to justify it with passion and with dreams, but when health starts getting in the way and I have to rethink what I’m doing. You see, I’m the kind of creative that will push myself for the sake of art and then will justify it because if it’s not me someone else will do it. I sometimes look back and remind myself that there is a huge line of creatives waiting to have their chance. I was one of them, I took my chance and I’m here. But if everyone knew how many sacrifices are done to really take that opportunity many people will not be willing to take that chance.

For me the mentality that really help me on my first years in LA was “opportunity meets preparation”. My logic was if I stay ready, if i train myself so much in the Hyperbolic Chamber, when a great opportunity arrives I will not only be ready to deliver but I can show that I was just waiting my time to shine. This was so true until I discover the ‘work smart’. You see, you have to train for a purpose, but also you have to live. You have to be able to feel happy. Life experiences also make you grow and that reflects in the art. So instead of being so obsess to be always training I figure to choose when and how, in that way I’m giving a purpose and balance my life.What separates success and failure is such a small line that no matter what you do you cant take all the chances and win.

As I sit in the studio having all these thoughts I can’t escape the reality that the show must keep on. The music should be deliver so that the ball can keep going. This is another project I fully immerse myself and give everything I got in me to get to a beautiful songs. These songs might inspire you, or you might skip them but I will certainly look back later in life and realize everything was worth it. As long as work ethic, health and passion is on my side, the art it worth it. I didn’t sign up because it was going to be easy and lovely. Art is chaotic and painful. To dive in it means scars will appear and thats fine. After a couple of weeks listening to this new Album for this upcoming artist, I can truly say it’s good to be in the Hyperbolic Chamber again, but I’m ready to go back to the real world.

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