2023 Second Half intentions

Turning dreams into intentions into delivery

Vienna Hub

  • profile 527 groups of 12 People with Passion running The Learning Street venues, ready to launch a new set of yearbooks for 2024 in December

  • profile 527 x 12 profiles of Happiness Street Reps for a Vienna Happiness Project yearbook in December 2023

  • have 527 groups of 12 young people profiled, spreading the GOST process with a focus on lifelong learning plans

Vienna Happiness Project

  • move towards Street Reps in 527 cities, perhaps in line with the city rollout below, adding a happiness learning module and training new people daily

  • raise awareness of the Happy Cafe programs run by World Happiness Project and Action for Happiness by inviting people to attend

  • a third thing !

The Learning Street

  • Launch a new city daily, stepping up to two cities per day, based on a local core team of 12 People with Passion

  • spread the word over time to engage 20% of the city, with half paying two dollars per month membership for access to free and fee learning, at free and affordable fee internet spaces

  • have regular running programs of #AdventureDiningVienna, Bag of Books, and

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