2023 Second Half intentions

Turning dreams into intentions into delivery

The Learning Street

Vienna Hub

  • profile 527 groups of 12 People with Passion running The Learning Street venues, ready to launch a new set of yearbooks for 2024 in December

  • profile 527 x 12 profiles of Happiness Street Reps for a Vienna Happiness Project yearbook in December 2023

  • have 527 groups of 12 young people profiled, spreading the GOST process with a focus on lifelong learning plans

Vienna Happiness Project

  • move towards Street Reps in 527 cities, perhaps in line with the city rollout below, adding a happiness learning module and training new people daily

  • raise awareness of the Happy Cafe programs run by World Happiness Project and Action for Happiness by inviting people to attend

  • a third thing !

The Learning Street

  • Launch a new city daily, stepping up to two cities per day, based on a local core team of 12 People with Passion

  • spread the word over time to engage 20% of the city, with half paying two dollars per month membership for access to free and fee learning, at free and affordable fee internet spaces

  • have regular running programs of #AdventureDiningVienna, Bag of Books, and

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The Learning Street
Commented 2 years ago

https://www.facebook.com/groups/209387618756682 as a Central point for Core Team members of the first 100 cities leading the way with roll out of The Learning Street at one city per day for 527 days ๐Ÿ™‚ Intention is to have 6 team members who bring 6 more friends, and to create energy around offering some Valuable localised Learning in existing spaces where there is art on the walls, a coffee machine, and fast internet. Where internet does not exist, building new spaces for the growing community of learners is important, as soon as possible, guided by the local city teams. Linked in groups are being set up where the profiles of the Core Team and Global Guides suporting them is more clearly visible than on fb, and blog based information is also available, with an email based newsletter to lessen risk of any one system blackout newsletter here https://paragraph.xyz/@thelea.../2023-second-half-intentions blog here https://thelearningstreet.blogspot.com/ sample linkedin city here - Accra https://www.linkedin.com/groups/9391332/

Commented 2 years ago
