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Base in catalysing an onchain revolution

Hello, reader.

It's been how long?

How long has it been since dinosaurs roamed the Earth and evolution led us to become humans tethered to screens? Can you guess? It's doubtful you can, it is doubtful anyone can, as our existence spans across timelines, sharing the very air once breathed by the builders of the pyramids, and the conquerors of empires. Today, we stand as savants, vastly more capable than the gods of old. So much so, that should a god from the past encounter an average human today, it's likely the former would be the one to bow.

The internet? You're familiar with the internet, of course. It's become the world unto itself. But what about blockchains and cryptocurrencies? When I first encountered Base's vision to "bring a billion people onchain," I was skeptical. Hasn't cryptocurrency already permeated the internet's ecosystem? Surprisingly, I was mistaken. Estimates suggest that 80% of the global population, which amounts to 7.92 billion people as recorded by the United Nations, remain uninvolved in cryptocurrency.

I bet you've heard of cryptocurrencies and blockchains. But are you a participant? Do you wish to be? How might one become involved, and more importantly, why should you? Base presents a compelling case for involvement.

Until we meet again, rest assured that the world is shifting 'onchain.' The revolution is underway, and you're part of the vanguard. As Jesse would say, "It's still day one."

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