The OCT Newsletter: November

Hello from Andy, at the helm of The OCT.

I hope this edition of the newsletter finds you well and rested after an energy charged conference marathon and for those of you in the states, Happy Thanksgiving.

I am pleased to share that the team has been hard at work and that I have a HUGE update to share, so let's dive in.

Key Highlights:

  • As promised, the first iteration The OCT demo is ready. We invite you to take a look at our first iteration of the game here. The loom video will walk you through the game play, gamification tactics, Dynamic generative NFT's, partner participation and UX.

  • We'd be incredibly appreciative if you could share you feedback with us on this short form here.

What's Next?

We will continue to press full steam ahead on the development phase. Our next steps will include:

  • A multiplayer version that will allow up to 5k players

  • Conducting Mini tournaments ( these should last 2-5 days)

  • Continue to build out generative pipelines & implement automated equipment


  • Please share your feedback on The OCT first iteration here

Thank you,


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