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Abundance & Scarcity: A Mythological City

Drako Scrolls

The Philosopher

The Philosopher

A long time ago, when Scarcity was called Abundance, there were no factions, and all gnomes lived a life of happiness and abundance. Abundance grew in technology and wealth, and the gnomes developed wonderful machines with god-like capabilities.

But Necro, a gnome interested in the old dark arts, was not satisfied with talking to the dead. Her wife and son were killed in a lab accident, and he wanted to resurrect them. This was not an easy task, and for doing so Necro gathered a large group of gnomes to go to Flora to meet the great immortal druid, Klava. He was alive since immemorial ages, and he is known for being immortal and for having an open passage to the underworld.

While the decades passed and the new dark gnomes learnt about life and death with Klava, some gnomes from Abundance decided to start mining their fellow lands. These gnomes liked the work on the mines, and Drog convinced them all in a town meeting that they should mine the empty land from the gnomes that followed Necro and the other leaders that went out the island. Although many people disagreed, there was a large group of gnomes following Drog, and the other ones, as they were not affected, decided not to act against Drog and the new Earth Faction.

The mayor of Abundance, Tilt, only cared about the expansion of the Empire, and he was not on the island when Drog called the town meeting. Tilt and the army were looking for Atlantis and its people deep inside the ocean. The old legends tell that Atlantis people had a marvelous treasure, full of magic items; and gnomes love to transform magic into technology. The Water Faction was formed by Tilt’s followers that were looking for magic in the depths of the ocean. But they were not a faction until they returned and saw Abundance turned into Scarcity.

The Air Faction was formed a long time ago by Crisa, and maybe it was the 2nd specialized profession from the gnomes’ island. They were air vehicle builders. Thanks to the Air Gnomes, society developed a lot and it was possible to build the amount of wealth they had. Thanks to their powerful machines, the gnomes could explore the metaverse and they could mine every Voxels island before they are minted. The air vehicle builders were responsible for the 1st expansion of the Abundance Empire and they were the first rulers of the new empty conquered islands. So, when Drog’s voting took place, they were not there to speak their mind, and they did not see what was going on until the many factions were together again, one more time, in the new Scarcity.

All the weapons and mining instruments of Abundance island were made by wonderful blacksmiths, specialized in metal work. As the island got empty, because Necro, Tilt, Crisa and their followers left the island, the blacksmiths decided to get together with the Earth faction to mine the Abundance lands, which were empty for more than 100 years. They were having children at this time, that needed the land, metal and crystals to develop their activities. They were asking for a new land law, when Drog, from the Earth faction, decided to vote for the new land reform law. The blacksmiths, led by Anna, built their new Fire faction and joined the miners, from the new Earth faction.

The Cyber Faction was formed by Tempus, after the great war. When Necro, Tilt and the air gnomes returned to Abundance, they saw that the Earth faction and Fire faction had mined their land and controlled it. Fire and Earth gnomes became rich, and the Air, Water and Dark gnomes became poor. After 10 years of suffering, Tilt and Crisa decided to attack the fire and earth gnomes, and Necro blamed them all and decided to use his new dark machine to invoke the dead. The war took 1000 years, and Abundance turned into Scarcity after that. The only chance to get Scarcity back to the old days, as Tempus believes, is going back in time and doing something to forbid the gnomish split in the old days. He built a faction composed of the remaining gnomes from the old factions that wanted to stop fighting against the undead and prevent the war in the first place.

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Abundance & Scarcity: A Mythological City