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Flora Island: The Land of the Immortal Druids

Drako Scrolls

The Philosopher

The Philosopher

Flora is the land of the immortal druids. They live in peace with nature and do not know the difference between good and evil, and they seem to go freely between the world of the living and the dead. Flora's druids have always been very welcoming to the babies brought to the island. Flora's storks are known to bring home abandoned and precarious babies to be taken care of by Flora's druids. No druids from Flora are originally from Flora, all druids were babies brought by storks, except Klava, one of the most important and old immortal druid. The druids populated the island and lived there for a long time, until they started to transform themselves into plants and animals forever, to escape the torture of an immortal consciousness. The oldest druids in vegetable form are the most beautiful plants you can find in Flora.

Klava, the Immortal Druid, decided to remain in his human form because he wanted to take care of all the other druids that decided to rest in a vegetable form: Klava is known for building the most gorgeous gardens of all Flora. It was in a gardening moment when he saw Necro arriving in his ship with all that crew, with gnomes thirsty for knowledge. And he taught. He taught for decades, or maybe hundreds of years, until those gnomes could have the inner strength to do what they want: to resurrect their loved ones. But the art of druids is not a necromantic art, so to resurrect a person, it requires a lot of sacrifice to make it work. But Necro was willing to make any sacrifice to get his family back. And Klava told him he would have to burn all of his possessions in the Altar of Sacrifice. For a gnome, Necro was quite detached from material possessions, but not enough. He kept the first magic ring that his wife built for him, so when he opened the portal and was able to bring his wife back, she didn't come completely and showed some traits of zombie behavior.

The last news that reached Klava after Necro and Cynthia, his wife, left was that a conflict was brewing in Scarcity between certain factions of gnomes. Klava wasn't too worried about this conflict and was thinking more about how he would organize his companions in animal and plant form for the oncoming rain. His intimate contact with nature told him that the worst storm ever was about to begin. So Klava asked for help from the dragon Harpen to lead the more sensitive non-human druids to the next island, which was later named Fauna.

It was sad, however beautiful, how Klava sacrificed himself, in the own Altar of Sacrifice, in order to save his last brothers and the remaining Forgotten Babies. He turned himself into a strong beast in order to save them all from the flooding. Unfortunately, the transformation did not retain all of the druid's consciousness. He became a mixture of various animals, and he forgot how to speak. Today, the ancient Klava roams in the form of Kley the beast, alternating his consciousness between wild and sweet animal. Some people say that if one really wants to find Klava in his human form, one should shoot for rainy days in Flora, when the remaining vegetable druids sing.

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Flora Island: The Land of the Immortal Druids