Once upon a time, in a very distant kingdom, called Candyland, all citizens lived a life of happiness, harmony, and sugar, until some zombie gnomes from Scarcity began to invade the island. Zombies are dangerous creatures as contact with them can transmit their magical disease and cause everyone to become a zombie.
William, the wizard, warned the witches of the Witchcraft Center that they would have to make a dangerous potion to cure the zombie gnomes, made with the deepest colors, the most primary ones. Blue to calm down and bring out all blue feelings; yellow to enlightenment and good thoughts; and pink to make the blood flow again in the gnomes' veins.
This is a dangerous potion for two reasons: building the potions of each color requires distilling the colors at very high temperatures; and the mix of the 3 colors needs to be exact, to have the effect of healing the zombies - any different mix can cause other effects.
There was, however, no other way for Candyland to get rid of the zombies other than trying to craft the potions. And so the witches began to stir in their cauldron. Every Candyland inhabitant brought their deepest colors to help. Only the first kings of Candyland and their son and daughter didn't help, for since before the island was minted, they lived in Vantablack Castle, where there were no other colors than true black and white.
The witches danced around the cauldron, recited the magic words, and began the distilling process. Three deep colors would be distilled, but the high temperature broke the still and the colors flew away in the form of fog. It rained candies for an entire week after this. The fog passed over all parts of the island, removing the bright colors from all objects and people in the city. That's how Candyland became Pastel.
The fog spread across the island and split into primary colors, creating three main areas in the city: Strawberry Sands, Daffodil Dunes, and Forget-Me-Not Forest. All the grown ups who lived in these areas were mentally affected, and now they spend their days daydreaming. Pastel is then dealing with both the zombies and the daydreamers.
The witches managed to follow the fog and build the color potions anyway. So, from the potions, they produced a serum to cure the zombies, but the amount is very limited, as they ended up losing several potions they had made, because they got confused, when they passed through the fog. Currently, everyone who isn't a daydreamer or a zombie is looking for the potions. Everybody knows, however, that there are 3 potions, one from each color, in the Vantablack Castle. But the main problem is that Vantablack Castle is locked, and the only way to open it is to get a colr key. This is hard because colr keys are very rare, and only OG Voxels Citizens have it.
The Princesses of the two colors and the Pastel Queen said that there are some colr tokens hidden around Pastel, and they are looking for it to help the Vantablack siblings. It seems the Dark Atlantis decided to hide these tokens, afraid that the witches would keep producing potions. Since the adults are daydreaming and the unzombie potions are not being made at the center, pollution really reduced in the ocean, and it improved the quality of life of all sea beings.
If one finds the the colr key, one can use it to open the Vantablack Castle, that is locked for a long time, because the Vantablack siblings cannot find the seed phrase for their parents' wallet, where their own colr key is located. Whoever enters will be able to help them to make the magic of colors they are trying do make, in order to awake their parents. Their parents are in a deep sleep since they had no colors to protect them from the fog. And all they want is to have their parents back, even if they daydream a little. They have 3 color potions and they are willing to share them with the witches whenever they are able to build their magic, with 1 click in each potion. The problem here is that their mouse pad is corrupted, and they need someone to help them to click the potions, and nobody can enter because the castle is locked with a colr key.
VIDDA was walking around Pastel and decided to help. It was its first motivated decision after receiving its piece of the cube of days. VIDDA understood how sad it was to have sleeping and absent families, and it decided to find the colr key, save Vantablack's grown ups, and take the potions to the witches. The witches could make the potions to unzombie the zombies and to completely awake the grown ups, with the help of VIDDA to use a waste recycling mechanism to not damage the ocean, the Dark Atlantis, and all sea beings.
Mini-game here (May 14th-21st, 2022): https://www.voxels.com/play?coords=E@2831W,3934N
Watch the promotional video here: https://twitter.com/cryptovoxels/status/1525307900410855424?s=20&t=efpYA_GcTxvE51-plF1hew
Visit the Pastel Castle (old Vantablack Castle): https://www.voxels.com/parcels/7767

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