Investors & Mentors

May & June 2024

empower communities with their data


  • We're looking for discord communities who want to improve their governance participation.


🚧 Big deployment coming up

Slow user growth


🌞 HiveMind (Q&A chatbot): We're in the process of deploying the back-end infrastructure for HiveMind, our LLM bot. It's quite a big deployment. The front-end is a simple command (/question). Feel free to drop by RnDAO to test it out once the changes are live. This was part of a grant by SingularityNet. We're advancing according to our plan.

🌨 Analyzer: The analyzer is a key part of our infrastructure. It's the process that takes the raw data from different platforms and computes our metrics. It works well for Discord, and now is being shaped to work well with any data sources. This opens the door for computing statistics for Discourse, Telegram, and other platforms.

🥀 1. With the deployment of HiveMind we're also pushing changes live for Discord. These shoudl solve the ongoing permission issues when a user installs our bot. 2. Integrating Telegram and Discourse is still ongoing. The Discourse integration is part of our grant for Optimism, hence this will take priority over Telegram.

Marketing & Growth

Our bi-weekly Twitter spaces are continuing. We've also spent more time increasing our audience on Twitter with the goal to increase brand awareness. Our Twitter profile now has a more respectable number of followers, but then this web3 🤷‍♀ Twitter remains our main distribution channel.

We're spending more energy into our blog to showcase our expertise.

On Telegram, we've gone back to 2 posts per week. I'm keeping up the 1:1 engagement with existing and new members. The aim is to build closer relationships with key members.


By August we have cleared up our active roadmap. That will also give us visibility about the Optimism grant money. We will then plan development and marketing for q3 and q4.

The next tasks in development are:

  • Code of Conduct bot: We've decided to pick this Optimism grant up again. We were not able to work on it, as the tokens were locked for some time and we didn't have the necessary funding to pre-pay our team for the work.

We reorganized the roadmap. The following items have been pushed further back or put on hold

  • integration: This has been put on-hold in order to progress on grant work.

  • Automation MVP: 80% of the functionality are already included in the v2 of smart announcements. This is on hold as we're unsure about what types of automation users would prefer to have.


  • We have 92 (+4) communities who deployed the bot.

  • MRR: $1130 (+0)

  • WAU: between 3 and 12 during March and April. (I'm moving to weekly active users, as this metric more accurately represents how often community managers would use the tool)

  • Our website metrics are between 56 (before 41) and 75 (before 76) unique visitors per week.




Assuming we hit all the milestones for SingularityNet, Dynamic NFT, Optimism grant (and the OP token doesn't drop) our runway is April 2026. Failing to finish the Optimism grant reduces our runway by 1 year.

Grant funding:

  • Rejected: SingularityNet (Knowledge Graph)

  • Planning: Octant Public Goods (farcaster + LLM extension), Next Generation Internet from Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Program (Knowledge Graph)

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