Investors & Mentors

TogetherCrew July & August

empower communities with their data


  • We're looking for Discord or Telegram communities with more than 10k members that are on testnet and who plan to launch to mainnet in the next 6 months to discuss automated community management.


🚧 nearly ready for ingesting data from other platforms. Working on answering user questions 24/7 & letting them mint their off chain reputation, soft-launching HiveMind in RnDAO

🤩 8 communities with more than 100k members

🪴 + 8 communities

Context into 2024 progress and plans

We began 2024 with adding an automation-based feature. We know that community managers work in small teams, often teams of 1, while serving communities with several thousands of people.

Saving time through automating tasks is an obvious value. But automation is broad and can be applied to any community process (onboarding, giving & revoking access, closing channels, answering questions, developing content, inviting members, rewarding members etc). Some community managers we talked to were concerned that by cutting down on the "human touch", they trade short-term time savings for long-term impact.

We focused on scheduling messages to community member segments. While this is manually messaging member segments, it's the final step in the automated-messaging flow: Selecting what segment should get what message at what time.

For a long time this feature (smart announcement) was the most visited feature on our dashboard (green line), just after community health. We didn't double down on community health, because users reactions to this data was "This is interesting. What can I do with it?". No benefit, no stickiness.

The second automation feature we have been working on for nearly a year is a HiveMind, a AI-chat bot. The bot relies on sub-agents and is modeled on human memory architecture (funded by SingularityNET) and also powers our Community Violation bot (funded by Optimism). The rest of 2024 we'll focus on user adoption of HiveMind. It's the feature with the clearest value proposition (other choices were reputation scoring, automating messaging, and decentralized identity). By focusing on HiveMind, we are niching down on automating customer support.

What else? the tldr is that we ripped out the heart and put in another one, fed the brain some super-food so that it can summarize conversation and analyze data quicker, are in the process of giving it some new simStim to interface easier with other community platforms and block chains.

On the growth side, over the past six months we have grown our communities on Twitter (3324), Telegram (169) and Farcaster (19). We're getting invited to join Twitter spaces, increasing our visibility and getting us new leads. We have also established a tighter onboarding process. By directly reaching out to new users, we've gathered feedback on what isn't working and developed better relationship with the community manager.

Since we launched we have 101 communities who tried our bot, eight of those joined in July and August. Most are small (< 100), but

  • 8 with more than 100k members

  • 14 with more than 10k members

  • 28 with more than 1k members.

Traction and $

  • We have 101 (+8) communities who deployed the bot.

  • MRR: $140 - In the turmoil that happened in side Pocket Network, our stream was cancelled.

  • WAU: weekly active users ranges from 7 to 23.

  • Our website metrics are between 42 (before 56) and 65 (before 75) unique visitors per week.




Assuming we hit all the milestones for SingularityNet, Dynamic NFT, Optimism grant (and the OP token doesn't drop) our runway is 11 month.

Grant funding:

  • Received: Octant public goods, GitCoin round 21

  • Rejected: Octant community fund

  • Submitted: Next Generation Internet from Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Program (Knowledge Graph), Celo Growth

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