Cover photo

The Onchain Poetry Digest #12

Summer has arrived onchain

This issue it seems that summer has arrived onchain. Not only are several Web3 organisations promoting an onchain summer, but we also see fewer poems being minted onchain. I think the onchain poets are filling up on inspiration, which is wonderful. Taking a break, some distance, is necessary and healthy. Still, there's a lovely selection of poems below. Enjoy, and don't forget to like what you love, share what you recommend and collect what you can.

Cryptopoet of the Month

The Cryptopoetry community celebrates a new poet every month, a week long in Twitter threads. This month, the Cryptopoet of the Month is Futuradora, a poet who mints her work predominately on the CHIA blockchain, and will be on stage at MET AMS this autumn. She has started minting her poetry onchain, because she deemed it inevitable. Well, we agree!

Check out the full interview in threads on the Cryptopoetry Twitter account.

Become a Maeceneatic Legend

You can now become a big supporter of onchain poetry, by subscribing to the new paid membership program. By doing so, you will enable me to spend even more time making onchain poetry easier to discover. As we are in full development, so is the membership scheme. We have a first tier now, with one benefit other than being an amazing poetry supporter. You can pay by fiat, for now, but Paragraph is rolling out onchain features in the near future. This will also mean that I will probably add tiers later, but certainly, the list of benefits will grow. Become a paid member, a Maeceneatic Legend, here:

On to the poetry

portrAIts: Yesterday Today Tomorrow
by Merzmensch Kosmopol on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Lights on
by Arjan Tupan on Zora
Experience and collect here

know me
by Gomp_art on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by Un the Poetic on Solana
Experience and collect here

portrAIts: The Ambassador of Twilight
by Merzmensch Kosmopol on Tezos
Experience and collect here

suite sole
by Gomp_art on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by Un the Poetic on Solana
Experience and collect here

by Gomp_art on Tezos
Experience and collect here

A nation's pride
by Arjan Tupan on Zora
Experience and collect here

by Un the Poetic on Solana
Experience and collect here

by Gomp_art on Tezos
Experience and collect here

The Saga of Signore Punk: The Enchanted Emblem
by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by Oddwritings on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Onchain summer haiku
by Arjan Tupan on Zora
Experience and collect here

i set a match
by Gomp_art on Tezos
Experience and collect here

  • The header image is created by AI using Night Café Studio with the SDXL Beta model and the prompt "Fresh mint intricately detailed Splash art airbrush art Unreal Engine 5 street art".

  • The Onchain Poetry Digest aims to make the discovery of onchain poetry easier. Please share it far and wide, so as many potential collectors as possible find the beautiful pieces of art we create.

  • This is a labour of love. I try to keep up as much as I can, but I can't see everything. Don't be angry if your NFT is not here, just ping me for the next one, and I'll include it. You can do that via BlueSky, Farcaster, Lens, Twitter or the Cryptopoetry Discord.

  • If you want to support this digest become a Maeceneatic Legend, buy me a coffee or mint the E.A.C.H. art for this issue before 26 August (on Tezos from noon CET on 5 August) or the pay the poet nft (on Ethereum, poetry hidden inside). In any case: share this newsletter with your friends and with poetry lovers.

  • Collect this issue, share this issue, love poetry.

  • Collectors of this issue will find cover art in their wallets.

  • Become a paid member to support.

  • Some pieces on the Ethereum blockchain are minted on Foundation. If you collect after clicking the link from here, you will also support us, as Foundation has referral rewards.

  • Any tips on an easy way to monitor mints on blockchains than other Tezos are welcome.

  • The Onchain Poetry Digest is part of the trpplffct network. See

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