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The Onchain Poetry Digest 18

Like what you love, collect what you can

In the weeks that suddenly crypto is rising again, we again found a wonderful collection of onchain poems. Still mostly on Tezos, but on other chains as well. Personally, I've been experimenting with Zora. I love how they created a protocol reward scheme by wich you can earn from 'free' mints. Every mint on Zora costs a small mint fee. Part of that goes to the platform, but a big part is reserved for the creator. They also have first minter rewards going to the person who is the first to mint, and referrer fees for people sharing the art with their friends (and the art being minted from that sharing). I encourage you to explore this L2 blockchain for minting. All you need is an ethereum-compatible wallet.

Also worth noticing, the wonderful upcoming collection of Ana Maria Caballere: Paperwork. I don't think the minting has started yet, but the project is amazing. It shows one way how poetry can connect to your life, and how you can take insights from it, that do not have to be the same as the poet's. I call that the tripple effect: the poet, the poem and the reader together create unique meaning. Anyway, check out the beautiful collection Paperwork and Ana's Twitter thread on the back story.

On to the poetry

by Gomp_art on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Streams of love 2023 Leon Faesulis X Let Yourself Go by Mpozzecco
by Leon Faesulis & Mpozzecco on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
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by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Materialidade Provisória
by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
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by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Antigo Adágio
by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Early Loneliness
by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
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by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Melodia Mineral
by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
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by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
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Channel warps
by Arjan Tupan on Zora
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no circle
by SentientShapes on Solana
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by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Ocean Beachfront
by The Art of Haiku on Tezos
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abstract language of the poet
[a collection of 10 pieces]
by Linda Laforge on Tezos
i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x.

A Distinct Meld - Simplicity
by RyBred on Tezos
Experience and collect here

A Distinct Meld - Mechanical
by RyBred on Tezos
Experience and collect here

A Distinct Meld - Nostalgia
by RyBred on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by Gomp_art on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Networked anons?
by Arjan Tupan on Zora
Experience and collect here

Fresh Farcaster Fall
by Arjan Tupan on Zora
Experience and collect here

Angel in Tuscany
by Leon Feasulis on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by Gomp_art on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Thundering Hooves
by The Art of Haiku on Tezos
Experience and collect here

D #001 January fifth
by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
Experience and collect here

D #001 Cinco de Janeiro
by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
Experience and collect here

lichtvollere thoughts
by Marta Gazzola on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by The Art of Haiku on Tezos
Experience and collect here

A Trip Down Farcaster Lane
by Riley Beans on Zora
Experience and collect here

by Arjan Tupan on Zora
Experience and collect here

by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
Experience and collect here

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