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The Onchain Poetry Digest 23

Poetry for all collection sizes can be found here

"There should be more latte-priced art", someone said. That would be the way to really making art for the masses. I don't think this is true. There is enough latte-priced art. There's enough latte-priced poetry. People should buy more latte-priced art (and maybe less lattes).

The point is: art is accessible enough. There's latte-priced art and then there's art like CORD, the Bitcoin ordinal poetry by Ana Maria Caballero. And everything in between. My mission with this newsletter is to help people find the poetry they like and that fits their collection budget. For the price of one latte, or a thousand. What we need is for people to find their way to it, and it's my mission to guide them. You can help me by sending me your freshly minted works, so I can add them to the list. Then share this widely. And if you found your way here looking for art to collect: scroll down the list, reshare what you recommend and collect what you can.

Enjoy this week's list. With, a poem minted on Bitcoin for the first time. And many others on many other chains.

On to the poetry

Mind Chroma
by Ashwini Dodani on Solana
Experience and collect here

Arch Angel
by Ashwini Dodani on Solana
Experience and collect here

by Gomp_art on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by Gomp_art on Solana
Experience and collect here

by Gomp_art on Solana
Experience and collect here

Relieved - Soritoea
by Ashwini Dodani on Solana
Experience and collect here

White Harmony / Sixteen
by A. Rahaad on Tezos
Experience and collect here

White Harmony / Seventeen
by A. Rahaad on Tezos
Experience and collect here

White Harmony / Eighteen
by A. Rahaad on Tezos
Experience and collect here

White Harmony / Nineteen
by A. Rahaad on Tezos
Experience and collect here

White Harmony / Twenty
by A. Rahaad on Tezos
Experience and collect here

The Atmosphere of White Harmony
by A. Rahaad on Tezos
Experience and collect here

L'uomo parla come mangia (la macchina) - Del ruolo della poesia come ricostruzione di mondi possibili
by Andrea Paoli on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by Gomp_art on Solana
Experience and collect here

by Gomp_art on Solana
Experience and collect here

by Gomp_art on Solana
Experience and collect here

Boost 2024
by Arjan Tupan on Zora
Experience and collect here

by Coinseer AKA Miss MacD on Ethereum
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by David T. Phung on Base
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Collect more art
by Arjan Tupan on Zora
Experience and collect here

Closer to the fire
by Arjan Tupan on Zora
Experience and collect here

When I Die
by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by Gomp_art on Solana
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by Ana Maria Caballero on Bitcoin
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by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
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by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
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by Arjan Tupan on Zora
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by aether on Tezos
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Rusty Hearts
by CyntiaC on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Best way to round 3?
by Arjan Tupan on Zora
Experience and collect here

snowflake in jar
by Linda Laforge on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Forbidden Fruit
by Ibrahim Leone on Optimism
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Gift of fire
by Arjan Tupan on Zora
Experience and collect here

Stellar Mantle
by Vicente on Solana
Experience and collect here

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