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The On-Chain Poetry Digest #7

Spectacular fireworks for on-chain poetry this week.

Here it is, another issue of the On-Chain Poetry Digest, your bi-weekly guide to the freshest poetry minted on-chain. Any chain. We have another great, and long, list of links this time, so I will not keep you from it for too long. I just wanted to say one thing. One thing I think is great news. For art, for the artist in question, and for poetry in particular. A special 1 of 1 edition of Ars Autopoetica by Sasha Stiles was sold this week for the staggering amount of Ξ4.89830. Poetry is art, poetry is on-chain and poetry is on fire. Congratulations to both Sasha and the collector. You can find the now closed open edition version in the list.

And then, later that day, she sold another poem, InVerse for 4.5 ETH. In other words, with the open edition of Ars Autopoetica also catching roughly 1 ETH, you could say this one poet has sold for over 10 ETH in a week! Poetry is art, poetry is on-chain and poetry is on fire. Congratulations, Sasha and all poets.

That was even not the only break-through news. When an established newspaper with 120 years of tradition opens up and brings digital art to its audience, that is something special, too. ABC from Spain launched an NFT drop with none other than Ana Maria Caballero. Even if you don't understand a bit of Spanish, this poetry is not to be missed. For its beauty and for breaking down walls. Congratulations to Ana!

Enjoy experiencing & collecting the poems linked in this edition.

On to the poetry

To Breathe
by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
Experience & collect here

Tomorrow's Tourists
by Arjan Tupan on Tezos
Experience & collect here

From Ashes to Light
by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
Experience & collect here

conceptual coat hangers
by aether on Tezos
Experience & collect here

The Engagement Farm
by Daffodill Jones on Tezos
Experience & collect here

by Ashwini Dodani on Ethereum
Experience & collect here

Slice of Life
by Linda Laforge on Tezos
Experience & collect here

{from the collection Poetic Palette}
by Syya on Tezos
Experience & collect here

{from the collection Poetic Palette}
by Syya on Tezos
Experience & collect here

Poetic Palette
{collection containing fresh poetry}
by Syya on Tezos
Experience & collect here

Talking Over
by Diego Pintos & Pierre Gervois on Tezos {fx(hash)}
Experience & collect here

homewards Wanderung
by Marta Gazzola on Tezos
Experience & collect here

Ties of Poetry
by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
Experience & collect here

by aether on Tezos
Experience & collect here

UNSTATIONERY: Like robots, most humans have human-like emotions.
{from the collection UNSTATIONARY}
by Sasha Stiles
Experience & collect here

{full collection}
by Sasha Stiles
Experience & collect

do roar until hoarse
by Gomp_art on Tezos
Experience & collect here

Swirls - Simplicity
by rybred on Tezos
Experience & collect here

Swirls - Memories
by rybred on Tezos
Experience & collect here

Swirls - Mechanical
by rybred on Tezos
Experience & collect here

by futuradora on Chia
Experience & collect here

CryptoArt Manifesto: The Revolution Survives the Bear Market
by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
Experience & collect here

Cursive Binary: You Are A Soft Machine
by Sasha Stiles on Tezos
Experience & collect here

Answers Within
by Linda Laforge on Tezos
Experience & collect here

Ars Autopoetica
by Sasha Stiles & Technelegy on Ethereum
Experience & collect here

Ars Arjanpoetica
by Arjan Tupan on Tezos
Experience & collect here

Cursive Binary: “Poema pictura loquens”
by Sasha Stiles on Tezos
Experience & collect here

Cursive Binary: “My brain has crawled halfway to my heart.”
by Sasha Stiles on Tezos
Experience & collect here

More of Cursive Binary in

Wishes in the Coin's Fall
by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
Experience & collect here

by aether on Tezos
Experience & collect here

a whiter shade of astral
by aether on Tezos
Experience & collect here

NĂșcleo familiar
by Ana Maria Caballero on Ethereum
Experience & collect here

Érase una vez la modernidad
by Ana Maria Caballero on Ethereum
Experience & collect here

an elusive thought
by Gomp_art on Tezos
Experience & collect here

promesse d'été
by Marta Gazzola on Tezos
Experience & collect here

The Truth is Glorious
by Ashwini Dodani on Tezos
Experience & collect here

by Linda Laforge on Tezos
Experience & collect here

Golden Handcuffs
by aether on Tezos
Experience & collect here


  • The header image is an AI image, created with the prompt (including typo): "Frresh mint with fireworks in the background. intricately detailed 8K resolution DSLR sharp focus" on Night CafĂ© Studio - SDXL Beta

  • The On-Chain Poetry Digest aims to make discovery of on-chain poetry easier. Please share it far and wide, so as many potential collectors as possible find the beautiful pieces of art we create.

  • This is a labour of love. I try to keep up as much as I can, but I can't see everything. Don't be angry if your NFT is not here, just ping me for the next one, and I'll include it. You can do that via BlueSky, Farcaster, Lens, Twitter or the Cryptopoetry Discord.

  • If you want to support this digest, collect it, buy me a coffee or mint the pay the poet nft (poetry hidden inside). In any case: share this newsletter with your friends and with poetry lovers.

  • Some pieces on the Ethereum blockchain are minted on Foundation. If you collect after clicking the link from here, you will also support us, as Foundation has referral rewards.

  • Any tips on an easy way to monitor mints on other blockchains than Tezos are welcome.

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