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The Onchain Poetry Digest #9

A lucky-number issue filled with links to fresh amazing poetry.

My friends, my class mates, and most of the people around me when I was growing up, had apppointed the number 7 to be their lucky number. For me, it was number 9. So, this issue of the poetry digest is my lucky-number-issue. It's filled with links to an good number of freshly minted poems. NFTs are dead? Maybe if you speak of pfps, but certainly not if you speak of poetry. Onchain poetry is very much alive. It's on fire.

Click the links below to experience the wealth in words, to experience art.

Share the ones you recommend.
Like the ones you love.
Collect what you can.

On to the poetry

by Maria Verde on Tezos
Experience and collect here

threads of synchronicity
by aether on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by Allison Joyful on Solana
Experience and collect here

by aether on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by Allison Joyful on Tezos
Experience and collect here

digital lungs breathe life?
by Linda Laforge on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by aether on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by RyBred on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by Gomp_art on Tezos
Experience and collect here

wu wei
by aether on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Artificial Nostalgia
by RyBred on Tezos
Experiment and collect here

Naturalistic Nostalgia
by RyBred on Tezos
Experiment and collect here

Walking / Andando
by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
Experiment and collect here

Elements of you
by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
Experiment and collect here

by Gallium on Solana
Experience and collect here

Courtroom Cherubim
by OddWritings on Tezos
Experience & collect here

Clothespin Coding
by Gomp_art on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by aether on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Love is What Will Save You
by Linda Laforge on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Verses of the Ghost
by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Let's Go!
by RyBred on Tezos
Experience and collect here

For the Love of Production
[1 poem in a series of 5 NFTs]
by RyBred on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Lovely Night - Bodom Night: A1
[first in a serialised poem - 10 nfts total]
by RyBred on Algorand
Experience and collect here

world's end
by aether on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Chasing the Kaleidoscope
by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
Experience and collect here

the sum
by Gomp_art on Tezos
Experience and collect here

The Limiting Musk 1
by RyBred on Tezos
Experience and collect here

The Limiting Musk 2
by RyBred on Tezos
Experience and collect here

Blue Sky Sigh
by Linda Laforge
Experience and collect it here

noetic realms
by aether on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by aether on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by Gomp_art on Tezos
Experience and collect here

environment pt2
by un the poetic on Solana
Experience and collect here

A Little Hope
by Ndoro on Solana
Experience and collect here

Limitless Growth
by Ashwini Dodani on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by aether on Tezos
Experience and collect here

by aether on Tezos
Experience and collect here

  • The header image is created by AI using Night Café Studio with the SDXL 0.9 model and the prompt "Fresh mint 8k resolution concept art depth of field futuristic space".

  • The Onchain Poetry Digest aims to make discovery of onchain poetry easier. Please share it far and wide, so as many potential collectors as possible find the beautiful pieces of art we create.

  • This is a labour of love. I try to keep up as much as I can, but I can't see everything. Don't be angry if your NFT is not here, just ping me for the next one, and I'll include it. You can do that via BlueSky, Farcaster, Lens, Twitter or the Cryptopoetry Discord.

  • If you want to support this digest buy me a coffee or mint the E.A.C.H. art for this issue before 15 July or the pay the poet nft (poetry hidden inside). In any case: share this newsletter with your friends and with poetry lovers.

  • Collect this issue, share this issue, love poetry.

  • Collectors of this issue will find cover art in their wallet.

  • Some pieces on the Ethereum blockchain are minted on Foundation. If you collect after clicking the link from here, you will also support us, as Foundation has referral rewards.

  • Any tips on an easy way to monitor mints on other blockchains than Tezos are welcome.

  • The Onchain Poetry Digest is part of the trpplffct network. See

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