The on-chain poetry digest #1

These are the poetry nfts published this week

AI image created on Night Café with the prompt: "freshly minted nft poetry biopunk analogous colors academic art psychedelic art"

Welcome to the first issue of The on-chain poetry digest. This bi-weekly (for now) newsletter will serve you the latest in the cryptopoetry world. In every issue, we will share links to freshly minted poetry NFTs. Please note: as you may have noticed, we have not settled on one term to describe poetry published on blockchains yet. And we like it. As diverse as the blockchains are, so diverse will the definitions and monikers be. So, cryptopoetry, on-chain poetry, poetry NFTs, all are welcome here. Now, click on the links below, read and collect what you like.

Now, here's the poetry

Don't worry, it's almost midnight
by  Emanuel Souza
Read and collect on objkt

Scaly Daily
by Doodleslice (minted earlier)
Read and collect on objkt

beyond the fences
by Marta Gazzola
Read and collect on Foundation

boundless bound
by Marta Gazzola
Read and collect on Foundation

Sensation Unseen
by Linda Laforge
Read and collect on objkt

Just BEE
by Linda Laforge
Read and collect on objkt

by OddWritings (minted earlier)
Read and collect on objkt

Fruit of Life
by Ashwini Dodani
Read and collect on objkt

Trust Yourself
by Ashwini Dodani
Read and collect on objkt

by Ashwini Dodani
Read and collect on objkt

Not Sorcery
by Ashwini Dodani
Read and collect on objkt

by Ashwini Dodani
Read and collect on objkt

That's it for this week. Enjoy these amazing works and collect what you can. It's our first issue, and this list is probably far from complete. If you are a poet publishing on-chain, let us know about your latest drops. Either in the nft-drops channel of the Cryptopoetry discord or via Twitter.

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