The on-chain poetry digest #2

Freshly minted on-chain poetry, all linked here.

Image created with the Stable Diffusion SDXL algorithm. A poet writing with a fountain pen.

Thank you for opening the second issue of the On-chain poetry digest, a bi-weekly collection of links to freshly minted poetry. With this digest, we want to share with you an overview of the poems published on any blockchain in the past two weeks. It's a big job, and we do it manually for now, so if you're not in it, please let us know via Twitter or the Cryptopoetry discord, and we'll add your work the next time.

Meanwhile, share with your friends, and tell them they can read & collect it all here, in the On-chain poetry digest!

Support this digest

If you want to support this digest, you can either mint one (or more) editions of the #PayThePoet NFT, or buy me coffee. It will help me to make time for finding all the freshest on-chain poetry.

And don't forget to subscribe & share

Now, here's the poetry

Being Green
by Wordler Vignettes on Cent Pages
Read & collect here

The Stranger
by crys on Foundation
Read & collect here

ChatGPT is the New Socratic Dialogue
by Sasha Stiles on Objkt
Read & collect here

A Sip of the Weekend
by Ashwini Dodani on Objkt
Read & collect here

Pages from Sunday
by Ashwini Dodani on Objkt
Read & collect here

Sunday Diaries
by Ashwini Dodani on Objkt
Read & collect here

by Leaon Faesulis on Objkt
Read & collect here

moonlit moment
by Marta Gazzola on Objkt
Read & collect here

by Arjan Tupan on Manifold
Read & collect here (poem in description of minted token, not on claim page)

by crys on Foundation
Read & collect here

Cryptoku #8
by Katie Dozier on Objkt
Read & collect here

Poetic Art Block
by Ashwini Dodani on Objkt
Read & collect here

Las Cruces Poem
by artsandletters on Objkt
Read & collect here

by @llen3r on Objkt
Read & collect here

by @lleen3r on Objkt
Read & collect here

The Interlude of Life
by Leon Faesulis on Objkt
Read & collect here

by Gomp_art on Objkt
Read & collect here

Autumn Clouds
by Emanuel Souza on Objkt
Read & collect here

The Texture of Otherness (poetry collection)
by aether on Objkt
Read & collect here

Miracle Magical
by Ashwini Dodani on Objkt
Read & collect here

Now Distilled
by Timothy Green on Objkt
Read & collect here

Hourglass Window
by Timothy Green on Objkt
Read & collect here

by Ndeye Fana Gueye on OpenSea
(older poem, but on show at NFT Factory Paris now)
Read & collect here

by Sylvie on KnownOrigin
Read & collect here

13 - Scribbles
by Yuto's Writing on Frameit
Read & collect here

by Poetry&Probity on Objkt
Read & collect here

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