The on-chain poetry digest #3

AI image generated with SDXL beta. Prompt: "Fresh Mint", modifiers: "8k resolution concept art biopunk psychedelic"

Welcome to the third issue of the on-chain poetry digest, a list of poetry NFTs freshly minted in the last two weeks. Can't find yours in the list? Please be sure to be in the next issue by sharing your work with us on Twitter or in the Crypto Poetry discord.

Now, here's the poetry

One - linda to aether
by Correspondence.One (collaboration) on Foundation
Read & collect here

One - aether to linda
by Correspondence.One (collaboration) on Foundation
Read & collect here

Sunset Soliloquy
by Gomp_art on Objkt
Read & collect here

Sound Grows Into Space Complete
by Sasha Stiles & Technelegy on Objkt
Read & collect here

by Timothy Green on Objkt
Read & collect here

Harvest Moon
by Timothy Green on Objkt
Read & collect here

A collection by Hyperreal on OpenSea
Read & collect here

by Leon Faesulis on Objkt
Read & collect here

Plath In A Parallel Universe
by Ashwini Dodani on Foundation
Read & collect here

Compose #155
by Sasha Stiles et al on Objkt
Read & collect here

18 - Notes. Late
by Yuto's Writing on Frameit
Read & collect here

aI : a Gaia
by Odd Writings on multiple chains
Read and collect here

The List
by Timothy Green on Objkt
Read & collect here

Stock Boys at the Liquor Store
by Timothy Green on Objkt
Read & collect here

When I Say I'm Fine
by Screams Of Unfettered Minds on Objkt
Read & collect here

Existential Pathways
by Screams Of Unfettered Minds on Objkt
Read & collect here

by Screams Of Unfettered Minds on Objkt
Read & collect here

Standard Disagreement at Starvationpoint
by artsandletters on Objkt
Read & collect here

by Emanuel Souza on Objkt
Read & collect here

- cross road -
by wordstobepoetry on Objkt (collection)
Read & collect here
|| br没le|bliss ||
|| une photographic ||
|| puff||
|| l y a un peu ||
|| l'茅cume d'une vie ||
|| anywhere ||
|| nothing ||
|| taste of difference ||
|| foam ||
|| let your space ||
|| inner sweets ||

by Leon Faesulis on Objkt
Read & collect here

#CryPoWriMo 2023
by Arjan Tupan on Objkt (collection)
Read & collect here

Druids Haiku Part I
by Heroesofhiraeth on Manifold
Read & collect here

by Gomp_art on Objkt
Read & collect here

The Command of Amanda
by Ashwini Dodani on Foundation
Read & collect here


  • This is a labour of love. I try to keep up as much as I can, but I can't see everything. Don't be angry if your NFT is not here, just ping me for the next one, and I'll include it. You can do that via Twitter or the Cryptopoetry Discord.

  • If you want to support this digest, buy me a coffee or mint the pay the poet nft (poetry hidden inside). In any case: share this newsletter with your friends and with poetry lovers.

  • I am figuring out what to do with collections that are minted on one day/ Like the one by wordstobepoetry. What do you think is better:
    A) a link to the collection only,
    B) a link to the collection and individual poems,
    C) treat each nft in the collection as one unique piece?

Collect this post to permanently own it.
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