The onchain poetry digest #4

Freshly minted poetry, collect them all

AI generated image, created using Stable Diffusion v2.1 on NightCafé studio with the prompt "Freshly minted poetry triadic colors brocade retroism Unity 3D"

In front of you is the fourth issue of the On-chain poetry digest, a bi-weekly list of poetry recently minted on any blockchain. We work hard to keep track of all the freshest poetry mints, but we can't see everything. So, if you mint your poetry on any blockchain, don't forget to notify us on Twitter or in the Cryptopoetry discord.

Now on to the poetry

Mad Tea Party
by Katie Dozier on Tezos
Read & collect here

by encapsuled/michelangelo on Ethereum
Read & collect here

Unprovoked: A Darkness
by Elisabeth Sweet on Ethereum
Read & collect here

Je Voudrais Que Le Mëtaverse
by Ana Maria Caballero on Ethereum
Read & collect here

Collection of untitled poems
by Andrea Soverini on Tezos
Read & collect here

{featured poem from above collection}
by Andrea Soverini on Tezos
Read & collect here

Fading Ink
by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
Read & collect here

by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
Read & collect here

Between the Lines 1/3
by Elisabeth Sweet on Ethereum
Read & collect here

I See You
by Gomp_art on Tezos
Read & collect here

The Devil's Voice
by Ponicshy on Tezos
Read & collect here

Still Moving
by Sasha Stiles and Nathaniel Stern on Ethereum
Read & collect here

Collection Daily Poems
by Maria Verde on Tezos
Read & collect here

{featured poem from above collection}
by Maria Verde on Tezos
Read & collect here

by Gomp_art on Tezos
Read & collect here

Expecting to be worshipped
by Gomp_art on Tezos
Read & collect here

by Gomp_art on Tezos
Read & collect here

Heimkehr des gestes
by Marta Gazzola on Tezos
Read & collect here

Time: birth
by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
Read & collect here

Time: growth
by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
Read & collect here

Time: maturation
by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
Read & collect here

Time: old age
by Leon Faesulis on Tezos
Read & collect here

Human Condition
by Emanuel Souza on Tezos
Read & collect here

The Fraying
by Gomp_art on Tezos
Read & collect here

The Water Bridge
by Gomp_art on Tezos
Read & collect here

Catching in my Troath
by Gomp_art on Tezos
Read & collect here

Collateral Damage
by Screams of Unfettered Minds on Tezos
Read & collect here

Believe and Bring
by Ashwini Dodani on Tezos
Read & collect here

by Gomp_art on Tezos
Read & collect here

by Odd Writings on Tezos
Read & collect here

by Ana Maria Caballero & Hieroglyphica on Ethereum
Read & collect here

Reckless Pursuit (older piece, but not previously included)
by MelzieQ on Ethereum
Read & collect here

Gravity of Thought
by MelzieQ on Ethereum
Read & collect here

Magnetic Field
by MelzieQ on Ethereum
Read & collect here

by MelzieQ on Ethereum
Read & collect here

Questions > Answers
by aether on Tezos
Read & collect here

Collection CryPoWriMo 2023
by Arjan Tupan on Tezos
Read & collect here

{featured poem from above collection}
Good morning
by Arjan Tupan on Tezos
Read & collect here


  • This is a labour of love. I try to keep up as much as I can, but I can't see everything. Don't be angry if your NFT is not here, just ping me for the next one, and I'll include it. You can do that via Twitter or the Cryptopoetry Discord.

  • If you want to support this digest, collect it, buy me a coffee or mint the pay the poet nft (poetry hidden inside). In any case: share this newsletter with your friends and with poetry lovers.

  • Some pieces on the Ethereum blockchain are minted on Foundation. If you collect after clicking the link from here, you will also support us, as Foundation has referral rewards.

  • This edition I was playing with how to list collections that drop in a short time frame as a completed set. This edition I've chosen to link to the collection and link to one poem out of the collection. What do you think? Taking feedback and suggestions, always.

  • I kinda like the term "Read & collect" and kinda hope that it will become a thing. However, it does not feel completely right when linking to immersive (and amazing) pieces like Still Moving by Sasha Stiles and Nathaniel Stern. Also here I'm taking feedback & suggestions.

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