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We look at driftwood, think about migration and get creative in your weekply poetry shot #203

Arjan Tupan

Arjan Tupan

Stranded here,
from where do you come? What
made you leave? And more importantly:
how can I help you build
a new you?

On the beach, I saw a beautiful piece of driftwood. I thought, my son would certainly love to make this into something new. He loves collecting stuff and thinking of what to make it into.

Then, when I wanted to write about it, I thought of all the people stranded some place after being forced to leave their home. Like my father. He needed to build a new life, a new version of himself. Like so many people now have to. The need some help building new versions of themselves. They don't need to be blamed for everything that's wrong with the world. They're more a symptom than a cause. And nobody ever solved anything by fighting symptoms.

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Poésie de la vie

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Bron, who went on an adventure during history classes in the time-machine his teacher Mr Olie made.

This is Bron, he is a character I created in the Dutch Children's Book museum. We had to collect phrases from Dutch books, play games to get items, and then we could build a character and create a story around it. Have you been to a museum that inspired creativity lately?

Collect this post as an NFT.


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Arjan | That Poetry GuyFarcaster
Arjan | That Poetry Guy
Commented 8 months ago

Don't forget to get your weekly poetry shot to stay immune for mindlessness:

Irina Liakh 🎩Farcaster
Irina Liakh 🎩
Commented 8 months ago

222 $degen

Gwynne MicheleFarcaster
Gwynne Michele
Commented 8 months ago

This hit just right today.

Arjan | That Poetry GuyFarcaster
Arjan | That Poetry Guy
Commented 8 months ago

Your weekly poetry shot is here. It stranded in your inbox. Or on your feed. Fresh poem inside. Enjoy.

Commented 8 months ago

Thanks for this poem. Especially I admire your words about father. Everyone want to be a better version of themselves
