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Trust Energy

In this issue #221 of your weekly poetry shot, we celebrate Papa, our poet of the month

Arjan Tupan

Arjan Tupan

It’s mad how magnetic a person can be.
Zany, authentic, poetic and free.
It’s crazy, the wellspring, from which we all draw
Oft leads to greatness, unique forms of awe.

It’s bonkers: genetics, random sequencing.
The varied arrangements our partnerships bring,
As a beholder, what do we observe?
Fragments of light to the brain through a nerve.
What is attraction, a look or a scent?
Deep anchored signals to which we relent.
Guided by culture…sites, magazines.
Does what we want — fit with our needs?
Digging much deeper, may be the key.
How to decide? Trust energy.

And the winner is... the poet known as Papa or Papajams. In the trpplffct october poetry grant on, he got the most votes. So, we invited him to publish his poem here, and to tell us a little about himself. A short interview.

trpplffct: Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Papa: I am papa, an artist that uses creativitity as a medium for communicating my emotions (something i've always struggled with via other means/channels). Via music this has birthed four albums,  of many to come. Via poetry it has birthed a book and hundreds more e.g. Via writing, drawing, NFTs, ai, and so on: each offers an avenue to share some small part of myself, for which I am grateful, holding any of it in has proven a poor strategy in the past. I am of Kenyan heritage, and am rather quintessentially British, but consider myself a citizen of the world - awed constantly by its richness & wonder.

t: What does poetry mean to you?

P: Poetry, poems, poeticism, gosh isn't it something. Many poems do absolutely nothing for me, in fact for some reason i mostly like the ones that rhyme. So I am no connoisseur, a simpleton in fact. In part thats what makes them magical to me. With prose its easy to be verbose, loquacious in fact (proving a point here). But with poetry there's less room for fluff. When it works, its incisive & profound. There is this tik tok poet whose one poem (of many) I have listened to hundreds of times. I don't particularly love her others, but this one is so deep its like it was written for/about me. They are a case study in empathy, compassion, connection, you get the point. Anyway, suffice to say - its meaningful.

t: How did you come to the world of onchain/crypto?

P: Lol, how do most people? Saw BTC do some crazy spike. Degen'd in. Lost dollar. Lost faith. Saw it come back. Went down the rabbit hole. Did the same with NFTs. Trying not to do the same with memes lol. In the meantime, met some cool people and learned how to dev as well as incoroporate more tech into my art which has been fun.

t: What would you say to a poet who wants to enter the world of NFTs?

P: Good luck! Maybe collaborate with others first before venturing out on your own. Join a DAO, or buy an NFT and connect with the community / artist behind it. Just as in web2 there's no guarantee anything will land, but if it does then the rails are being built to help you bring your stories/ideas to life in really unique ways.

t: If I would come to dinner at your place, what would we eat and drink?

Ha, you are welcome anytime! Would likely be brunch I would invite you for, with a tennis game or something booked for us after. Dinners are too open ended, or tend towards bedevilment 😈 So for brunch we would imbibe delicious drinks a la coffee, smoothie, kombucha, that sweet sweet H20; and for food it would be eggs, avocado, beans, croissant, perhaps even some fruit - never say i'm not good to you!!

t: Right, that sounds awesome. Good food and sports fun. Thanks, papa!

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Poésie de la vie

Poetry and music. Need I really say more? And what better music to share than a song by... Papa?

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Commented 4 months ago

Each week I thoroughly enjoy your beautifully curated poetry arrangements. Thank you for what you do and please know I'd be delighted to connect with you for a feature of one of my meditative poetry pieces. Feel free to explore them via my profile here on PARAGRAPH anytime.

Arjan | That Poetry GuyFarcaster
Arjan | That Poetry Guy
Commented 4 months ago

Your weekly poetry shot. With this time a celebration of our most recent onchain poet of the month. Check it out here:

Trust Energy