Hen thanks

MARCH 23RD, 2022

2fewtrees, calls himself an Inter-dimensional Healer, and a Conduit of Powerful Healing Designs.

A traditional Mandala is a type of artwork that usually uses a geometric configuration of symbols and shapes. It's generally meant as a support to a meditating person. Some Hindu, and Buddhist traditions make it from sand, just to brush it away once they are finished making the artwork  - quite the opposite of minting one's artwork on the blockchain. The piece Hen thanks made me feel like it was inspired by Mandalas. When I talked to 2fewtrees I referred to it as "not a traditional mandala" and the artist had previously had this thought, too. At first, what appears to me is the writing, in the form of a hexagon that keeps on moving, gradually speeding up. The first text says "ormus, " a type of monoatomic gold, supposed to help your body. Once the colour starts seeping through, you see what kind of masterpiece this really is. It ends with the colours turning into multiple iterations of the original HEN logo. 

Ormus Rainbow Jewel

Ormus Rainbow Jewel, is the basis of the colours and the non-text visuals in this animation. Seeing this in a static state made me realize that the individual squares are actually the same as the bigger fractal.

If one goes back to HEN Thanks, you can decipher the fractualized text.

Singing Tree

Singing Tree, seems like it's a free-floating entity while remaining connected with everything, simply the fabric of the universe.

This piece poses a simple question to the viewer "Does man sing for the trees?" It reminds me of The Lorax by Dr.Seuss. "I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees for the trees have no tongues." But, it looks like an atomic structure stuck inside the neural network of an artificial intelligence trying to communicate with you.

The colours 2fewtrees chose to use in this piece are few, and picturesque . If you focus on this piece, you can only see 2 or 3 secondary colours. Just like staring into a Monet or even Lake George Reflection by Georgia O'Keeffe, you stop thinking of the image that is in front of you and become one with the art, what the art is telling you, one with the colours. In this case,the electric blue and the star that sits in the middle pull you in and make you forget your surroundings. Singing Tree makes you feel like the only remaining things on this planet are the art and your soul - becoming one with each other and merging together, as Pak would like to say.

And not only this piece, but all the others made by 2fewtrees, remind me how cosmic we are yet how small when compared to all the giants around us; how big we are in relation to the atoms and molecules that comprise us. A motif that appears throughout 2fewtrees art with almost 30 trippy, healing artworks, all hitting different chakras and parts of your brain.


As a person who suffers from chronic pain and distractions, I've felt like staring into this healing art refreshes me and allows me to forget about my pain for a bit. I believe that this artwork should be examined and studied by novice and experienced meditators alike, even people who experience small amounts of pain. 

I feel like any person who wants to get into meditating or on a journey of self-healing should check out the profile of 2fewtrees, and meditate looking at the mesmerizing artwork. If you would like to talk to him more about his art, I'm sure he would be open to guiding you through whatever he meant while he created the pieces.


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