Collectors Sphere 1st Gen

APRIL 13TH, 2022

What is Dead Pan Zoom Dropz? Better yet, who?

"I create galleries or exhibits for my artworks and have close relationships with many artists," says DPZ. A crypto investor since 2013, who is now retired and has shifted into collecting 1/1 NFT art on Tezos; to support artists he loves - by purchasing their work and giving free advice on market strategy.  

Based in South East Asia, DPZ laurels include; "I was the first person to organize a large live event in the space that I know of and the first of any sort on Tezos," he says.  

In December of 2021, the first event involved over 65 artists – with 20 of them speaking live via Twitter Spaces. The event sold out and garnered the attention for numerous artists. On January 9th, DPZ also held dpz.nft bonanza 2 with 36 artists – and all the artists speaking about their work on Twitter Spaces.

"As much as I don't like gatekeeping, there is still a need for curation and protection from scammer copyminters. My branding involves sponsoring or putting together quality." DPZ says.  

In recent weeks DPZ's attention to world matters:

"I teamed up with Organic Material Amir Fallah, Skye Nicolas, Colette Robbins, and Mark Dorf. We had 100 editions, 1 Tezos each. Thirty-five artists. We raised over 7000 Tezos, and everyone minted into an Art For Ukraine collection on the DPZ Dropz official Objkt account," DPZ says. "We also created a page for the public who participated and raised additional 1000s of Tezos. This was done with the help of NFTBiker event page tools."

Artifact by Amir H. Fallah

Artifact by Amir H. Fallah

Undeterred by Mark Schoening

Undeterred by Mark Schoening

Pillars of Dawn (single, IV) by Kelly Richardson

Pillars of Dawn (single, IV) by Kelly Richardson

A fire structure with some plants from a distance from concrete signs in a leafy plants in a forest by Helios Santos

A fire structure with some plants from a distance from concrete signs in a leafy plants in a forest by Helios Santos

Mirror Phase by maxwellinked

Mirror Phase by maxwellinked

Tiny Mustache Living Ego by Toxic Motel

Tiny Mustache Living Ego by Toxic Motel

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"Cabline from curates 20 Ukraine artists, and I created a virtual environment and made the gallery."

DPZ has a history of supporting artists. From early (we're talking last September), DPZ would post biographies of Tezos artists; he would interview them and create profiles.

"I get behind artists with little clout or promotion that I believe are sincere and deserve to be noticed and introduce them to collectors," DPZ says. Example: "Tan Tan is an artist I supported. We did a 15 edition drop, and she took 2500 Tez on primary, an instant sellout. The highest accepted bid was 400 Tez.

I have done successful drops with artist musician Wax Wane who I met online."  

Most Recently: "I have a DPZ dropz fairly new collection where I curate artists to drop into the collection privately for my collector group, which all hold the DPZ sphere of influence," DPZ says. "Artists that work or collab can earn an NFT by me, the artist's spheres of influence. This is like a respectable token or trophy that is an appreciation or a recognition from me."

The takeaway, "as a collector, I believe there is a partnership between the artist and the collector. I like to think I bring value to the artwork by buying and holding it, displaying it in my home, in a gallery, and curating a respected wallet."

"Everything I do, I do because I can and enjoy it. I love art and understand crypto, markets, marketing, art, trading, and collecting. For me, this is a very natural environment. I don't mind speaking controversially or entertaining dialogue or topics relevant to the space."   

DPZ's plans are not only to work with more prominent names in the space but also to give a voice and support to upcoming artists.

"It's also an organic growth for me as a collector in the space. The more influence I have, the more good I can do," Dropz says. "Since I am financially secure, it allows me to do things that others don't have time to do or are willing to do."


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