Sun Spot

AUGUST 3RD, 2022

PHOTOGRAPHY WITH AN EDGE is a periodical feature showcasing NFT artists working with photographic practices that defy or challenge the common definition of a photograph. We are here to explore and celebrate these more exotic forms of photography and the free mixture of old and new, art and science, analog and digital employed in the exploration of the limits and possibilities of light, chemistry, and bits. 

BrainDigs, a duo that has been working together since 2008, brings an interesting mix of media to photography and the NFT space. Their work is focused on capturing liquid forms in solid states. They achieve this by painstakingly forming tiny glass world-scapes by hand, and then exploring the details using digital macro photography. The results are luminous, luscious studies of light and color, shape and form.

Magmatic Disc

I find myself getting lost in the surface texture, then pulling back to wonder about the object itself - like the blind men and the elephant, I can’t help but wonder what piece of the whole I have before me, and what form the full structure takes.


BrainDigs’ worlds might be pond life under a microscope, the interior landscape of a burning fire, a fragile fairy orb, architecture from a distant planet - the imagination is the only limit, and the work invites you to embrace your imagination fully.

Let’s let BrainDigs tell us more about themselves and their work. 

Can you describe your process?

Our NFTs are very process heavy. To create our macro photographs we first create tiny glass “Worldscapes”. What I mean by that is our pieces are created by assembling various layers of glass, cutting them and adding inclusions, for example silver and copper. The various materials are meticulously assembled which can be very time consuming. The pieces are put into a kiln, the kiln is then heated which can take hours. During that time the glass becomes molten and melts together creating the final piece. That process can take 12 hours at 1465 degrees. Before the reveal we must wait for the kiln to cool to room temperature otherwise we risk the pieces cracking or breaking. This can take 12 to 15 hours.

Once we have our pieces cooled we set them up to be photographed. We use various lighting, focal points and angles to create our images. Oftentimes we may combine two pieces together to create the desired effect for the photograph. This resembles the use of filters in analog cameras. The process of photographing the glass is very meditative. The world recedes and we become fully enveloped in the glass piece. It is here where we look to explore the intricacies, the inclusions and the bubbles to highlight the details of the glass.

Where do you look for inspiration?

We see our glass work as we see people. Each piece is unique, with an outer shell that is tempered to the world. That outer shell is what is presented to others, but if you look closer into the pieces and delve deep inside you get the privilege of knowing more intimate aspects of the glass. Those aspects inspire us to reflect the details in our macro photographs. Each glass piece is only the size of a US Quarter or smaller so it invites us into an intimate conversation. The subtle undulation of color may inspire us to highlight the sensuality of the glass. Some pieces may pull us toward a more painterly quality and the digital camera technology allows us to enhance that aspect. In another instance the hard metal inclusion may inspire a more graphic image.

What started you on this journey?

BrainDigs is two women artists bringing our individual perspectives to the process of the art creation. We both have an appreciation of various media and enjoy working in photography, glass, encaustic and oil painting. Our mutual love of art has brought us to this juncture and into the NFT space. We began working together in 2008, integrating our common vision into our glass work. We are excited about the alchemy of transforming our glass into macro photographs and NFTs. The idea that these works can reach a wider audience has spurred us to create our collection Between Fluid and Solid.

What prompted you to expand your work into the NFT realm?

Our glass work transferred easily into the NFT space in that nothing is lost, in fact it is enhanced. Our photographs reveal our “Worldscapes” inner structure. Being able to share our work with so many others, be it artists or collectors, is a privilege.

Artists are on the ground floor of creating the form and function of web-3. Surrounding ourselves with a community of creatives, striving for a new vision with transparency center stage is revolutionary.

We are also excited about the “compensation chain” that web-3 will bring to the artist. The technology allows artists to truly benefit from the monetary appreciation of our work. History is peppered with artists who died in poverty, isolation, or to only achieve their monetary value after death. Web-3 is about to change that.

Where do you expect your work to take you in the next year?

We really enjoy creating our photographs and can see that they have potential to say much more. With so many issues in the world we feel it is the artists' responsibility to explore and confront some of those issues. We have begun to use our photographs in short form storytelling through video. We are working on a video using our images as backgrounds exploring toxic pollution in our environment.

Creating is a constant process.  Experiences, hardships and emotions imbue our work, whether it is adjusting to a move, dealing with family illness, or simple living in an urban setting. All those emotions are embedded into the glass. It might not be evident by looking at the photographs or the glass itself, however those stories are ready to be coaxed out of the still photographs and to be shared with others.

Where can people find your work?

Our work can be found on OpenSea and on our website.


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