The title of this animated piece by 0ffline.xo is Life vs Death, and she follows on to explain, “Simple as it is.”

Life vs Death by 0ffline.xo

Starting off with the clouds, and ending with them, this piece takes us on a trip through presumably what our life is, or rather what this artist thinks our life is, or maybe their life, and if you look closely at the borders of the triangle structures, you can see the clouds, following us through our life.

I interpret this animation as a thought exercise, in which the clouds are always following us throughout our lifetime, up until the moment we are thrown into the void, into the clouds, and become nothing, just to start all over again, within the time frame of 13 seconds. So basically what she is trying to communicate, or rather the message I’m getting from this is that life is a spiral and that you keep on reflecting on things until you are those things. Maybe I’m going through this triangle spiral too much, but I’m the kind of person that likes to take up a thought exercise or do what the artist is telling me while I view the art. This piece is also very distinct from 0ffline.xo’s other work. Yes, it is looping, like all the others, however, her choice of background, and reflection is different from all of her other pieces. Overall I believe that this piece is excellently crafted, and it leaves the audience with a question. I wonder what your question is.

After writing this, I thought about this until the morning, and I think that this piece should be seen as meditation, or taking the Myers-Briggs personality test. It should be watched periodically, and the results assessed by yourself. Try to see what message or question arises, or simply what you are feeling when you view this animation.

The Ritual by 0ffline.xo

This piece is most certainly distinct from this artist’s other works on her HEN and Rarible accounts, because  simply when you think about how 0fflinexo creates her work, most of the other stuff looks very beautifully polished, some without audio, some with, but only two OBJKTs in this collection have characters in them, modeled and textured. Yes, we do see famous characters and personas, like The Bust of Nefertiti, in Trip of Nefertiti or The Four Faced Buddha, in Becoming the Buddha and to be fair, we do see eyes as a motif in 0fflinexo’s artwork, but “Flower Garden” and “The Ritual” stand out, because it’s the first time, in her minted work, we get to see rigged and animated characters.

Although all of the characters she uses in her work seem to be female, their skin colours are different.  In Flower Garden the women look as if they are wearing iridescent clothing that is reflecting the garden they are dancing in, or, it looks like they have been dipped in some sort of Alien goo that is shining over them, but the ladies just keep on dancing.  It was Voltaire who said, “Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” I’m not saying that this is an end-of the world party, but if we go with my second theory, which is that these people are dancing after being dipped in some sort of alien goo, the three Pyramids on the corner suggests to me that this is a celebration party of some sorts, maybe a celebration of conquering earth, who knows what was going on in the artist’s mind, but visually we are left with a feast, and many questions we didn’t have before viewing this animation.

Flower Garden by 0ffline.xo

Flower Garden, is currently only available on Secondary Market for 10 XTZ, 275 XTZ, and 300 XTZ respectively. The brilliant music that accompanies this piece is made by @robotkingpin. It definitely escalates the vibes to another level.


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