DRMN BG™ #17

MAY 4TH, 2022

Philly is more than just cheesesteak. It’s home to talented artists like John Karel and ScottE By Nature, creator of DRMN BG.

As it reads in the official dossier, here’s the skinny: DRMN BG is a lifestyle supply brand whose goal is to inspire others to DREAM BIG. Step outside the norms of everyday life and pursue your passions.

What we like about DRMN BG, and its clothing line, instead of producing mass quantities to generate as much $$$ as possible; it follows the NFT art world approach and creates limited edition, hand-printed clothes (T-shirts, shorts, hats, and hoodies). 

DRMN BG takes the approach that clothes can also be rare pieces of artwork and be collectible due to the limited production number. It’s like entering an exclusive duck club. 

The duck with the blanked-out eyes looks like a Tex Avery creation after a wild weekend bender.

DRMN BG™ #11

DRMN BG™ #11





Savvy #10

Savvy #10



RMN BG™ #AD071

RMN BG™ #AD071

Slide 1Slide 2Slide 3Slide 4Slide 5Slide 6

The duck motif came about in 2006 – when ScottE By Nature, the impresario behind DRMN BG, was in college. And, like most college students, he and a group of friends began collecting duck figures; the more random the duck, the better. As their duck fanaticism progressed, they started to bring figures to social gatherings. These ducks always generated happiness, laughter, and good fortune – simply by their duck-like presence.

DRMN BG’s design approach is also unique. Not wanting to give up the joy-of-the-duck from the college years, Krava and his crew wanted to create a shirt that would feature an illustration of a duck. One problem: Krava had no graphic design experience or shirt sales know-how.

So, Krava began taping a duck photo to a window and tracing around the duck. That rudimentary method begot DRMN BG’s first t-shirt design. And that simplistic procedure spawned into a newly discovered passion for graphic and apparel design, which spawned into DRMN BG.

Great story if it ends there – but there’s more. The DRMN BG NFT collection has just had its first drop. It’s a set of 500 1/1 Art Packs on the Tezos blockchain.

According to the DRMN BG site:

The collection will be minted and released to the public in periodic drops until all 500 packs are minted. The primary marketplace to purchase DRMN BG Collection NFTs is on


The NFT packs will be opened during unwrapping parties – and thus, collectors will be able to see what other goodies/collectibles might be contained within the packs. (Insider-info says it could be upgrades, burn-for-print inserts, additional art, more packs, maybe even additional pre-mint airdrop tokens – and all packs are guaranteed to include a hi-res version of the cover art from their pack).

“I am working through the details for when the first unwrapping party will take place,” Krava says on the site. “I am inclined to hold the first party once X number of packs are sold, but may hold an impromptu one before that. We’ll see how Drop 1 is received and make a decision.”

It’s clear that the reception to the DRMN BG Collection has been warm because now we all are patiently waiting for Unwrapping Party #2:

What's next for the DRMN BG™ Collection?

🎉Unwrapping Party #2! (official announcement coming)

What else?

🦆New characters
🦆3D variants
🦆Limited Collaborations
🦆New Merch

If you don't have a pack yet, pick one up here:

— ScottE By Nature⚡️ (@scottebynature) April 28, 2022


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