MARCH 11TH, 2022

Each week artists are commissioned for a piece of art through the UNDRGRND Grant Program. 100 NFTs are minted and are randomly airdropped to UNDRGRND Membership Cardholders. To find out how you can be featured as an UNDRGRND Artist check out our Discord. 

Wingardium Leviosa! For you Harry Potter lovers, this phrase may sound familiar. It is a spell used by a witch to fly objects. A wizard can levitate various things from candles, torches, tables, and sidecars by saying that mantra while flicking a magic wand. Professor Flitwick taught the spell to first years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This levitation charm has been used by many, and the first use was by Jarleth Hobart, when he leapt from the roof of a local church, remaining suspended in mid-air briefly.

Inspired by the spell, this beautifully created magical doodle art bears the same title: Leviosa. A nature-inspired semi-futuristic hand illustration becomes the focal point of this artwork. The skin resembles tree bark, with a few buds, roots and flowers creeping out of it. The outside of the index finger appears like a scaly plant. In contrast, the interior of the other fingers has a design similar to a computer chip—a charming blend of nature and human technology. As a viewer, this serves as an awakening on how nature and technology, if arranged harmoniously, can create beautiful, magical things on earth.

The right amount of various sized feathers, along with their placement, make a delightful composition that is pleasing to the eyes. The use of feathers is reminiscent of when the Leviosa spell was first taught to students of Hogwarts School, using the very same object as a learning tool. We remember how Hermione attempted to teach Ron Weasley the correct way to cast the spell, much to his annoyance.

Surrounding the hand and the feathers are numerous mystical characters, from witches and monsters to uncanny creatures. Look at the care and attention that goes into crafting these fantastic characters. Each persona evokes different emotional sensations. The raging skull monster at the top center exudes a sense of horror. The vicious wolf-like beasts with many eyes bring forth a terrifying feeling. While several fantasy creatures take viewers’ imagination to wander in a mystical world. And if we zoom in and look closely, several cute little monsters are seen here and there, showing the fun part of the magic and the playful side of doodling itself. All sensations combine and reinforce the magical impression of this doodle art that captivates viewers.

Fifty-six characters were digitally drawn with meticulous detail and then duplicated to produce 110 characters. Using a reflection symmetry technique generates balance, bringing harmony, order, and aesthetically pleasing results.

And magic does not always have to be black or white. It can also be red, yellow, blue, or a combination of all three. For the artist, choosing colors in this work was the fun part. He dedicated a whole day to finding the right color combination.

AGI chose a sophisticated gradation from cool to warm color for the ellipse part in the center. The light yellow on top can be interpreted as the sunny sky, and transitions smoothly to the light blue at the bottom that signifies the sea. An amalgamation of natural colors that symbolizes the universe as a whole. That serene shade contrasts with the burning combination of red and golden yellow of the creatures circling the ellipse. You can sense boldness, fierceness, and savagery through that domination of color. An orange, white, and gray touch gives this artwork an elegant and fancy impression. Overall, the colors provide vibrant and lively energy for viewers of the work.

To be successful, one must recite this mantra correctly. As Hermione said, the “gar” part should be made nice and long. So, “Wing-gaar-dium Levi-o-sa”! Let us fly and traverse the magical realm of this mystical doodle art.


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