Bloom and Reborn

OCTOBER 14TH, 2022

Each week 100 NFTs are minted and randomly airdropped to UNDRGRND Membership Cardholders. To find out how you can be featured as an UNDRGRND Artist check out our Discord. 

Desh’s artwork revolves around her personal experience and journey to find what it means to be a woman in her culture and the world.

Desh combines mystical elements with her women, giving them the strength to survive in a world not made for them. “We have to do more things just to get our rights,” says Desh, “After all, we still double the work like taking care of the house, laundry and children after a job. And when we try to communicate why we have this kind of feeling, they label us with "a person who never feels enough be grateful”.

Surrounded by a society that still favors men in Indonesia Desh knows the struggle and the effort required for women to survive and become successful. “I work hard for my life,” she says, “and now I'm having an obsession in being a hard worker, powerful, leader and keep repeating that the woman has more layered work to do.”

“A man in an office is a natural thing, but a woman in an office is a double job for her.”

Desh writes poems to pair with almost every one of her animations. Through these poems and pieces of art, she expresses her frustration and struggle in maintaining a calm demeanor. In Behave Your Angershe writes, “I might look calm and forgiving but in the end, the memories of pain will stay and it became my strength I can avoid anger but the control to destroy is in my hand If I could control my hand, I'm sure I'll come back stronger.”

This duality of personality will resonate with any marginalized person, not just women, who feels trapped by societal norms and cannot express themselves freely for fear of judgment or retaliation. At times all one can do is hope that remaining calm will allow them to come back stronger.

Beauty in Despair

Beauty in Despair

Ark of Cage

Ark of Cage

Behave Your Anger

Behave Your Anger

NFT Babe <3

NFT Babe <3

Flattered by Love

Flattered by Love

YOU, Marie-O

YOU, Marie-O

Slide 1Slide 2Slide 3Slide 4Slide 5Slide 6

Desh’s vulnerability is what gives her strength and the power to succeed in a male-driven world. The more she expresses her emotions the more she can become resilient against the outside world. She creates these women and encourages them to be strong because Desh understands what they will need to survive in this world, for she does it herself, every day and is stronger for it.


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