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Sweet but psycho.

This song lyric from 4-5 years ago, plastered across Elisaveta’s social media and NFT platforms, now provides context to her art. Illustrating beautiful women often with elegant flowing hair and typically with a stair that may not be "psycho" but certainly unsettling.

The juxtaposition of these competing ideas resonated with Elisavita and explains why it’s such a prevalent theme throughout her work, "I never think about I want to draw, I just draw what I am,” she explains, "I love combining cute feminine things with darkness and magic. I think this is my way to express that femininity actually brings a lot of power with it, but it is very gentle and used wisely and not directly."

She builds on that theme through the characterization of eyes, playing with the idea of perception, "Eyes in my art are always something unsaid," Elisavita goes on to say, "you can see it in persons eyes, but they doesn’t say it directly to you. This is also about the vision and intuition. Some 'blind' eyes are the eyes that see more than material world, that’s why the look more inside rather then outside."

Elisaveta knows herself well. Elisaveta, born Russian but living Valencia for the last year and a half, never considered how Russian culture showed through her work until asked, "I never actually thought I was influenced by Russian culture and lifestyle" she responded, "but in fact I am…the mix of dark, sad and melancholic in combination with fashion."













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Much like the subjects she draws, Elisaveta has a quiet confidence about herself that shines through. If we accept the truth that, "I just draws what I am," what we take away is that these women have accepted who they are in the world and are not apologetic about traits that it may make them appear "psycho" (an obvious male perspective). For, whatever the perception may be to us as outsiders, these sweet but psycho women see the bigger picture and themselves in their own unique light and celebrate that, just as Elisaveta does.


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