1960s Tree

AUGUST 7TH, 2023

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This will all end.

You. Me. Everything.

It’s something we all think and worry about but get to experience only once. Unless you’re Fred. Since an electrocution at a young age, Fredrick (Fred) Schultz finds himself traveling to the vast unknown of life after death.

“I thought maybe I was having a recurring dream, I wasn't sure if I was having out-of-body experiences, because it was happening so regularly, like every three months,” Fred says, “So I decided when it happens, I’d test it.”

“During the out-of-body experience,” he continues, “I would go to places that I wasn't familiar with, see what was there and I would look for things that I could verify later. I would make a mental note of what was there and then go there when I returned back to my body.”

Each and every time Fred searched for confirmation, he was given proof that these were in fact out-of-body experiences. While incredible, the profound emotional impact on Fred was even greater.

“The first thing I experienced is the feeling of love,” he continues, “I felt pleasure more intense than I ever had in my life. I could no longer feel my nerves or pains in my body. Every feeling is a thousand times more intense. This is when I learned to only live for happiness and love. Then you start realizing that you're outside your body. So you think to yourself, ‘Hey, I'm gonna go and see this place’ and you're there. One of the bizarre things is you don't realize that you're dead you don't feel like you have died.”

“I became aware that I could see multiple dimensions, I was seeing atoms, at the same time seeing the electromagnetic magnetic fields. I could see the wind and sound waves that are around us.”

“The other thing I saw, is we are all linked. All our orbs are connected. The connections work like the internet, we are all linked to the universe. In there, we all have access to universal knowledge. All of the experience was pleasurable, I felt no pain.”

“It was enlightening but I was mildly disappointed when I found out I had them from heart attacks and not a spiritual gift. But the experience did not diminish, it lead me to learn more about other people who had experienced the same.”

In the realm of human existence, lies a crossroad where physical affliction and spiritual blessings collide. It is within this enigmatic intersection that lies a choice - a choice that determines not only how we perceive ourselves but how we perceive the world around us.

How Fred experiences the world comes through in his art.

Night wave

Sacred blue tree

Galaxy 888 tree

Rainbow Swirl Tree

Blue Room

Mandala Ghost Wave

Fred's inclination towards issues concerning climate change, and even trees (e.g. The Tree of Life) comes as no surprise when one considers his unique experience. Seeing humanity as intrinsically interconnected, he forms a deep emotional bond with this existential challenge: the impending demise of something so fundamental to our existence. He embraces the importance of preserving that which is precious to every one of us, recognizing the fragility of our shared existence. Understanding the need for conservation, he seeks to protect the invaluable resources that sustain us.

Is this a genetic curse, in a sense, a burden passed down through generations? An answer attributed to science and brought on by an electrocution? It may manifest as a physical ailment, but it whispers the tales of struggle and hardship etched into DNA. However, these whispers need not be the voice that echoes through our minds. They need not define us. It is within the human spirit to rise above these genetic curses, to transform. Through resilience, determination, and self-discovery, we can rewrite the narrative. No longer beholden to the chains of our genetic inheritance, we liberate our souls and embrace the power to redefine our story.

What if these are spiritual blessings? It is here that we find a different journey, yet one just as profound. A spiritual blessing, a gift emanating from the depths of the universe, invites us to recognize our interconnectedness, embrace a higher purpose, and perceive the world with clarity and enlightenment. A spiritual blessing bestows upon us a sense of wonder, a profound understanding that we are part of something greater than ourselves. It beckons us to explore the depths of our souls, connect with the divine, and share our unique gifts with the world.

In the end, the choice lies with the individual.

Fred reminds us to consider our connections to find solace and motivation in acknowledging the beauty, even amidst the impending demise. Perhaps this will lead to our preservation and ultimate survival.

Whether a physical curse or a spiritual blessing, we are given a canvas upon which to paint our existence, and Fred is doing just that.


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