Ultra Massive Black Hole

MARCH 11TH, 2022

Each week artists are commissioned for a piece of art through the UNDRGRND Grant Program. 100 NFTs are minted and are randomly airdropped to UNDRGRND Membership Cardholders. To find out how you can be featured as an UNDRGRND Artist check out our Discord. 

When we hear the phrase "black hole," we imagine an area in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. 

That's how the artist sees the new age world of Web 3.0: a black hole. This next phase of the internet has an extraordinary allure; once we dive into that world, it will be difficult for us to get out of it. We find many new things to keep us occupied in Web 3.0: cryptocurrency, digital ownership, augmented reality, the metaverse, and digital assets such as NFTs.

Through this Ultra Massive Black Hole animated video, the artist wants to tell about his experience entering this new and attractive world. All the advances took him in unimaginable directions. Various dreams beyond comprehension began to emerge: Metadreams. Because this is a personal experience, the semiotic signs shown in this 16-second video are also personal. 

With upbeat techno music, the artist takes viewers to explore his Metadreams space. The atmosphere looks frantic, busy, and colorful. We are immediately greeted with a "welcoming note" that reads DAO upon entering this space. DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, was the first thing the artist learned about Web 3.0. No single person or entity has complete control over the DAO; thus, it does not have a central point of failure, eliminating uncertainty and increasing participation. That's what made the artist interested in knowing more about it.  

As he dove deeper, he learned the terms cryptocurrency and crypto mining—an active CPU in this video, used as rig gear to carry out the crypto mining process. Mining is in progress, and the computer is racing to solve mathematical algorithms or calculations.

After grasping cryptocurrencies and crypto mining, he got to know NFTs. The first thing he learned about NFTs was the PFP project, which piqued his interest and made him delve deeper into the world of NFTs. The green monster in the UFO seen flying close to the robot symbolizes the PFP project that the artist first saw, while the masked man object displayed is characteristic of Metadreams.

While exploring NFTs, he found communities, fine arts, and the curation process. But the process he went through was not always smooth. The yellow-red robot that the viewer sees hitting the workstation represents the artist's difficulties and frustrations while exploring the world of NFTs. After a long process, the artist finally found a perfect style to pour into his art. The object of a man relaxing in the bathtub seen in the background symbolizes Metadreams finding the right style.

In this work, the artist wants to present a dark feeling, with elements of surrealism wrapped in a cartoonish style so that it creates a mysterious, deep, and memorable impression. Because this is a video format, the artist chooses blue as the dominant color to give a more calming effect and not tire the eyes. The colors yellow, red and orange are used on the robot as the focal point of this work so that the viewer's eyes can immediately focus on the object. The artist uses these vibrant colors as an accent on other objects, while the artist chooses a touch of purple to bring out the futuristic side of this work.

The evolution of the internet has been a long journey, and now comes the era of Web 3.0. We're provided personalized and relevant information faster through AI and advanced machine learning techniques. With smarter search algorithms and development in Big Data analytics, machines can understand and recommend content. Web 3.0 will also focus on user-ownership of content and support for accessible digital economies. The innovations are already in motion, and the possibilities are endless. Be prepared to be sucked into the allure of the new world and dwell in this Ultra Massive Black Hole.


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