Paddling by Mahendra Nazar


5 Artists From the UNDRGRND Collection 

UNDRGRND DIGS is a periodical feature showcasing artists that we dig. We sift through social media and platforms to find the best artists waiting to be discovered. UNDRGRND purchases NFTs from each artist featured.

View the Tezos UNDRGRND Collection

Ask Forgiveness

Ask Forgiveness

cannon snake
cannon snake
party chaos
party chaos
im coming
im coming

Mekikobra brings his graffiti and street art skills to the NFT space. Mekikobra typically limits himself to only three colors which are more than enough to create a vibrant scene. Mekikobra is part of the beautiful explosion of art coming out of Indonesia, reminiscent of the bright colors and style of the early 90s. Some of the works are stand-alone pieces focused on an idea. However, Mekikobra is also telling a story in other pieces of the characters he created, Pivala and Kobra. Mekikobra’s career is just beginning in the NFT space and represents what UNDRGRND is all about.

Once in a life time
Once in a life time
Mystery Man
Mystery Man
Direction and mind
"Direction and mind"
Road To Joy
"Road To Joy"
Turning the wheel yourself
Turning the wheel yourself
Generation Awakening
Generation Awakening

Another Indonesian artist, Recollapse proves that the desire to create is the only requirement needed to become an artist. Using anything they can get their hands on Recollapse does not let limitations stop them from creating meaningful art. Mostly drawn on paper and then scanned as is, sometimes animations are added. These works often look like pictures drawn by the hand of a child in hopes their work will be hung on a parent’s fridge. Recollapse’s work captures innocence and genuineness that we often lose as we grow. As children when we begin to create we do not judge our work and freely express what we feel and imagine. Recollapse has managed to maintain that sense of wonder and passion to create that has produced art that is honest and freeing but mature.

into the void
into the void
Inner Demon
Inner Demon
Thorn Apart
Thorn Apart
A Great Day At The Park
A Great Day At The Park

Greg Mike. Dalek. Mekazoo. Eventually, these artists will all be mentioned in the same sentence. Mekazoo’s characters look and feel familiar but have a life and identity entirely their own. His still images are beautiful using the same 3-4 colors that have become his signature style. Mekazoo’s work shines in the GIFs he creates. From spacemen falling through the nothingness of space to a shadow revealing one's inner demons, Mekazoo’s work would stand out in a room filled with other street art.

Sathosi Nakamoto
Sathosi Nakamoto
El diablo
El diablo
Duck Gowreng kremes
Duck Gowreng kremes
In a mortal world
In a mortal world

The chaos and jagged nature of Kungfu Have Style has already begun to gain the attention of larger platforms. Just this past week he was accepted, minted and sold his first piece on Makersplace. Much of his work is focused on cryptocurrency, financial greed and capitalism. Often adding motion to his pieces, he brings technology to his work that you could see as cave paintings for future generations to learn about the time we are living now. It’s undeniable that his work will stand the test of time.

tap tap scroll
tap tap scroll
point and shoot
point and shoot

Carrying Your Ego
Carrying Your Ego

We’ll never choose favorites in these features. However, when the idea of UNDRGRND took shape months ago I had recently just discovered Mahendra Nazar and knew this would be the first artist I would choose. I have been waiting months to discuss his work and have collected almost every piece he has minted on HEN. The clean lines and colorful scenes would be enough to catch any collector’s eye. Within each piece is a story or a character from his world. Those characters are given lives, feelings and thoughts by giant god-like beings called "Magnificent Men”. Mahendra Nazar blends spirituality, philosophy, psychology and current issues into beautiful digital tapestries.

Each UNDRGRND DIGS will feature artists our curators have purchased for the UNDRGRND Collection.


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