Ethereal Flora 3 by Kilsypix


5 Artists From the UNDRGRND Collection 

UNDRGRND DIGS is a periodical feature showcasing artists that the UNDRGRND curators dig. We sift through the social media and NFT platforms to find the best artists waiting to be discovered. UNDRGRND believes in the artists we feature and we will purchase NFTs from each artist featured. Purchases will be airdropped to reward UNDRGRND community members.

View the Tezos UNDRGRND Collection

Lysergic Snow Dream

Lysergic Snow Dream

Lysergic Spiritual Dance

Lysergic Spiritual Dance

Akane The Influencer

Akane The Influencer

Lysergic Shower Doubts

Lysergic Shower Doubts

Lysergic Super Demon

Lysergic Super Demon

Jiraiya and Gamabunta

Jiraiya and Gamabunta

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It is said that collectors really collect stories. I was initially drawn to the beauty of Keiko’s image, Lysergic Snow Dream. The first thing I had to do was look up the word, lysergic. Learning that it meant psychedelic brought a deeper level of appreciation to the spectrum of Keiko’s work. The piece, Lysergic Spiritual Dance, came into perfect focus. Then I read her bio and instantly found a connection in her appreciation for history and in her celebration of her father’s culture. Her restyling of classical Japanese paintings, exposing them to a wider audience and giving them new life using modern digital techniques speaks to my heart.

Just K

Just K

Alessa doesn't like dolphins

Alessa doesn't like dolphins



The girl and the Mellotron

The girl and the Mellotron

Candy & Stacy

Candy & Stacy

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Katiana describes her work as a journey, probing her understanding of her inner self. I find her work powerfully evocative. For example, the piece, Just K, speaks volumes in its formal composition, quiet palette, and its side by side yet isolated couple. It is disquieting and yet beautiful. I am compelled to pause and wonder about the couple’s story. Her palette is gentle, her execution elegant. I find myself probing my own inner world as I examine the details of her work.

Harlequin Daisy

Harlequin Daisy

Mirrored Fantastic

Mirrored Fantastic

geadhgtbgnhn.gifElectronic Bloom

Electronic Bloom

Energy Breach

Energy Breach

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I have a pet peeve. In my career, I have been advised more than once to seek deeper meaning in my work and I have met that advice with rebellion. If my work stems from an abundance of joy, is it not as relevant as work based in angst? I’d love to speak with Robin - we must be kindred spirits. His bold and vibrant colors and floral subject matter celebrate the pure joy of life and the gifts that spring up unbidden all around us. His, Harlequin Daisy, is a welcome good morning smile.



Golden Crosswalk

Golden Crosswalk

Pixoflora 4

Pixoflora 4



In Flight

In Flight

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Kilsypix’s command of composition and constrained palette hooked me like a fish at first viewing. I am drawn to the abstract and non-representational. They communicate directly with my non-verbal self, the self that I see as most truly me. Convergence, in particular, captures my attention and pulls me in. It invites me to get wonderfully lost, to quiet the chattering mind and simply be.


UNDRGRND community members nominate their favorite undiscovered artists to be featured in weekly DIGS. UNDRGRND empowers its community to dig for bold, innovative, under valued NFT artists.













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1BitNecro walks the arcane of the underground. He breathes its smell, feels its pain and power, its bequest and poetry. He feels the melancholy, the frustration marked by the seal of a deceased love and bygone time and the need to rebuild. 1BitNecro is a phoenix and he burns with the genius of those who reinvent and renew themselves constantly. He burns with the flame of those who purify our emotions and sublime our memories. He is the witness of many lives and many worlds. NFT is the medium 1BitNecro chose to imprint his art and cyber romanticism in the human mind. He got me. And, he will get you. - JNK

Each UNDRGRND DIGS will feature artists our curators have purchased for the UNDRGRND Collection. UNDRGRND will airdrop pieces from our collection to community members via giveaways.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter for more information: #UNDRGRND


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