5 Artists From the UNDRGRND Collection 

UNDRGRND DIGS is a periodical feature showcasing artists that the UNDRGRND curators dig. We sift through the social media and NFT platforms to find the best artists waiting to be discovered. UNDRGRND believes in the artists we feature and we will purchase NFTs from each artist featured. Purchases will be airdropped to reward UNDRGRND community members.

View the Tezos UNDRGRND Collection

Kolorfon #56
Genaun #64
Modular synthesizer #63
Abstraction XI #51

Many people paying attention to the crypto art scene are waiting for music to begin to take hold of the potential NFTs give artists. We see traces of the beginning in NFTs like the ones Lomz is creating. Kolorfon simulates a vinyl record spinning with a sensor that reads the color creating a sound. The project is merely a digital version of an analog version of the project he created, but both are unique and innovative in their own right. Music and experimenting seem to be in Lomz bones, which makes his work and f(x)hash a perfect fit, allowing him to improvise like a highly skilled jazz band.

Torsion #172
Torsion #108
Simple Patterns 2 #76
Simple Patterns 2 #77
Coupé Décalé #85

Estienne’s work appears to be simple, randomly generated patterns on the surface. However, they have taken the randomly generated design and added a new variable to create a new image in the collection Torsion. First, sending a randomly generated geometrical shape into motion, a line then wipes across the screen capturing the pixels in position, creating an augmented version of the original form frozen in time. Estienne is meticulous in controlling random images creating new and beautiful works that will inspire others to take this idea to possibly even another level.

No Ctrl Z #6
No Ctrl Z #7
No Ctrl Z #8
No Ctrl Z #5

AdidA combines a variety of layers of “paint, textures, brush strokes, scanned artifacts and line art illustrations hand-drawn” in No Crtl Z. Ever the perfectionist, AdidA describes this work as a practice to “generate art instantly without taking steps back or trying to fix and perfect things.” Most of us will relate to creating something and never feeling it’s finished because it is never perfect. The lesson here is to let go, see what happens and accept the results. The results, in this case, are uniquely beautiful.

Rain #16
Rain #15
Rain #17
Grid #17
Grid #16

Artists are beginning to experiment with randomly generated landscape scenes on f(x)hash like Sabha does in Rain. Through various colors and shapes for trees and to indicate clouds, Sabha creates a calming rainy scene of the viewer looking out the window. Imagine using this in a digital frame in your home as the rain falls across the window frame. Sabha shows that allowing access to these tools and artists will run with it to create something many could not even imagine.

Are you lucky? #472

Camille Roux looks to have found his color palette making his work instantly recognizable on f(x)hash. Circular Murmurations are a series of dots, described as “the flocking of starlings, including the swarm behavior of their large flight formations.” Camille adds another layer to some of his projects by making them interactive. Planetary System shows a series of planets (each with their own information) rotating in real-time, which displays as very slow, but can be sped up to see the rotations of the various objects in each system.

Each UNDRGRND DIGS will feature artists our curators have purchased for the UNDRGRND Collection. UNDRGRND will airdrop pieces from our collection to community members via giveaways.


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