Zen Mode 3 by AltJames

MAY 16TH, 2022

5 Artists From the UNDRGRND Collection 

UNDRGRND DIGS is a periodical feature showcasing artists that the UNDRGRND curators dig. We sift through social media and NFT platforms to find the best artists waiting to be discovered. UNDRGRND believes in the artists we feature and we will purchase NFTs from each artist featured. Purchases will be airdropped to reward UNDRGRND community members.

View the Tezos UNDRGRND Collection

Rose Garden

Rose Garden





Cat Stretch

Cat Stretch

Quinto Street

Quinto Street



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Amy Golan’s use of the Polaroid Time Zero film is masterful and leaves me grieving (not for the first time) for the loss of this treasure. The work has grace and beauty and is yet playful. I half expect to see a fairy sprite peek at me from behind a petal. A more serious study leaves me marvelling at the skill of the manipulations - just the right touch, in all the right places. I hope Amy has a huge stash of film, carefully preserved, and will keep gracing us with new treats for years to come.



download (4).jpegLong Play

Long Play





Sen-k-You (Dark)

Sen-k-You (Dark)

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Bruce (Kwame Bruce Busia, a multidisciplinary artist from London, better known as Studio Yorktown) has a background in architecture, photography and graphic design. I have long been a fan of his work. I particularly love his recent work on fxHash, in which he has explored the textures of fabrics, the use of the Silver and Golden ratios, and the influence of historical artists that have inspired him. Marokko is an early name for the game now known as 'Mikado' or 'Pick-Up Sticks.' Here it has become a playful motif arranged on a custom grid created from increments of the Silver Ratio. Despite the origin and the playfulness of the intent, I find the result sophisticated and elegant. It is a work that I'd love to see 8ft tall hanging on my dining room wall.



Statue of David

Statue of David





Solar Flare

Solar Flare



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I am a flower child. I can’t claim any real understanding of the punk scene, but when I found this image in my #tezos4tezos browsing, I fell in love with this rebellious spirit. I know the bold colors, the palette, and the hard contrasts speak to my elemental sense of aesthetics, but the appeal is greater than that. I immediately felt that I had encountered a soul sister. Right On, Sister/Brother! May we all be wild and free and completely, unapologetically at home in our own skin!

Zen Mode 01

Zen Mode 01

Zen Mode 02

Zen Mode 02



Station 9

Station 9

Station 13

Station 13

Station 3

Station 3

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AltJames’ digital paintings are exuberant, bold, colorful, and full of textural nuance. He is a master of shape, line, color, and contrast. He describes himself as, “artist, typographer, curator”, and he has been creating digitally-native paintings since 2016. I discovered his work during the recent #tezos4tezos event and could not be more pleased. In particular, the series of three entitled, Zen Mode, elevate my spirit and fill me with joy. I cannot look at any of them without smiling, and I’ve been looking at them again and again since discovering them. Their effect does not lessen. They are delicious and life affirming. My soul is fed.


UNDRGRND community members we refer to as “diggers”, nominate their favorite undiscovered artists to be featured in weekly DIGS. UNDRGRND empowers its community to dig for bold, innovative, under valued NFT artists.

fetal position 1

fetal position 1



one and the same

one and the same

keeper of the depth

keeper of the depth

are you afraid?

are you afraid?

saving it

saving it

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Nevidano’s digital paintings use soft colors and strokes that help convey the softness of her subjects and settings. The pieces of work speak for themselves and allow the viewer to interpret each piece for themselves. However, each painting carries a delicate weight and purpose that conveys crystal clear emotion that each unique admirer arrives with the same understanding of their meaning. Great artists know they have a responsibility to the subjects of their work to convey it with vulnerability and honesty. Nevidano accomplishes this because she takes such care to do so.
- Bored Calvin (BAYC #8855)

Each UNDRGRND DIGS will feature artists our curators have purchased for the UNDRGRND Collection. UNDRGRND will airdrop pieces from our collection to community members via giveaways.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter for more information: #UNDRGRND


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