Voice of Nature by Nomadic Frame

OCTOBER 17TH, 2022

5 Artists From the UNDRGRND Collection 

UNDRGRND DIGS is a periodical feature showcasing artists that the UNDRGRND curators dig. We sift through the social media and NFT platforms to find the best artists waiting to be discovered. UNDRGRND believes in the artists we feature and we will purchase NFTs from each artist featured.

View the Tezos UNDRGRND Collection





How much is freedom worth?

How much is freedom worth?

Faceless Crypto 5

Faceless Crypto 5

Glimpse between crystals

Glimpse between crystals



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Rafael Spiff’s portraits all have distorted and obfuscated faces insinuating the individual's unimportance in comparison to the idea. In his piece It seems important to be silent, he focuses on the eyes while the rest of her sillouhette shows and amalgamation of general strokes to relate to any female who has felt that their perserverence and survival has relied heavily on silence. Many of these portraits have an empty box overlaid on their face almost symbolizing a blank canvas for any of us to upload our facial features into the portrait. It reminds us of our universal connection and that our lives are more similar than they are different.

Voice of Nature II

Voice of Nature II

Masai Giraffes at Sunset

Masai Giraffes at Sunset

Flamingo Sunset

Flamingo Sunset

Gentle Giant

Gentle Giant

Sunset over the bay

Sunset over the bay

Gatteville Lighthouse

Gatteville Lighthouse

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Nomadic Frame is a fantastic name for what is being created by this artist. The frame is wherever Nomadic Frame manages to be, in an African sanctuary for animals, or in front of his computer creating algorithmic fractals he opens a window into his life experiences to share with the world. With a heavy focus on nature and true appreciation and care for something so fragile and disregarded by us, it’s clear Nomadic’s passion is to preserve something we are beginning to lose and be a voice for the voiceless nature.



The Firmament

The Firmament

On the narcissistic quest of filling the void

On the narcissistic quest of filling the void



the law of conservation of energy

the law of conservation of energy

about the loneliness of taking the road less travelled

about the loneliness of taking the road less travelled

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Kael describes his work as perpetually exploring the “infinite through the finite”, an interesting concept considering you need finite details to express the infinite. We see this in his series Event Horizon from the literal definition “the boundary where an event cannot affect the observer” or the more commonly known boundary of a black hole where light can no longer escape. This fascination with boundaries expands in The Edge of Heaven which Kael pairs with beautiful prose in the description. Even Sisyphus captures the relationship between infinite and the finite; tasked with a very finite punishment of rolling a boulder up a hill for eternity.



The Originals #6

The Originals #6

Sublime #10

Sublime #10

The Originals #9

The Originals #9

The Glitch

The Glitch



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After Hourz combines equal parts collage, AI, and photography to create their art. The AI art debate will be one to be had as we continue through this period of technological advancements but the artists that find a way to use AI and blend it with their style and personal creations to create something that you can tell are manipulated but not sure where is the collaboration between human and machine that is what makes AI artists, artists. After Hourz is having a productive conversation with AI and his audience is the benefactor.

Extrusion #4

Extrusion #4

Sorting Displacement #4

Sorting Displacement #4

Rythm & Colour #15

Rythm & Colour #15



Asymmetric stacked boxes #7

Asymmetric stacked boxes #7

Wires #25

Wires #25

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Creative coding is one of the definitive mediums of this current renaissance. What makes Daniel’s work special is that through his coding he is also teaching his audience terms, and techniques and explaining how he is creating his art. While classically trained artists may know the terms and not find this a fascinating or unique trait, for a new generation of art collectors this helps them understand the thought that goes into art. For generations, art collectors have diminished in numbers and to ensure that this movement does reinvigorate the casual art fan base education will play a pivotal role and Daniel is positioning himself properly for the future.

Each UNDRGRND DIGS will feature artists our curators have purchased for the UNDRGRND Collection.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter for more information: #UNDRGRND


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