CYBLECYCLE by Ilan Katin


5 Artists From the UNDRGRND Collection 

UNDRGRND DIGS is a periodical feature showcasing artists that the UNDRGRND curators dig. We sift through the social media and NFT platforms to find the best artists waiting to be discovered. UNDRGRND believes in the artists we feature and we will purchase NFTs from each artist featured.

View the Tezos UNDRGRND Collection

Dalihan Na Tolu

Dalihan Na Tolu









The Wanderer

The Wanderer

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The colorful digital paintings tell a story of culture but also of personal details. Tak Goleki shows a heart being held together by tape announcing what the individual is looking for. These honest symbolic paintings with layered meanings that one unfamiliar with the language, or nuance, cannot fully decipher. Further proof that we are still in need of so many interpreters to translate and educate a wider audience as we are now a global art community.

Musical Mind #009

Musical Mind #009

Musical Mind #022

Musical Mind #022

Musical Mind #013

Musical Mind #013

Musical Mind #020

Musical Mind #020

Musical Mind #019

Musical Mind #019

Musical Mind #003

Musical Mind #003

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Something we have learned at UNDRGRND from our gallery is that visitors stand in front of the frames with motion art the longest. Since the invention of television humanity has gravitated towards screens with moving images. Now, through the renaissance of art, artists such as Ersnts can captivate us through their creations. Combining music with dance these pieces all depict different styles of music and dance. Set to be a series of 111 we are in the early stages of what Ersnts intends to be a long series.





Psychedelic Wave of meditation

Psychedelic Wave of meditation



60s Yellow Wave

60s Yellow Wave

Rainbow Swirl Tree

Rainbow Swirl Tree

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It’s hard to say whether Fred’s work is helping or hurting the fight against climate change. On the one hand, he’s finding another avenue to communicate the seriousness of climate change and the ramifications of storm surges in his Abstract Wave Sunset series. On the other hand, what he is creating is so beautiful that perhaps it will incentivize others to find a positive in climate change, “See, we wouldn’t have this beautiful art if it weren’t for climate change.” Much like how air pollution creates beautiful sunsets in parts of the world, the serious detrimental effects of climate change will capture you with it's beauty in Fred's work as the world slowly burns around us.

Ur paint dripped

Ur paint dripped

Downloading reasons to live

Downloading reasons to live

The Golden-Emerald Level

The Golden-Emerald Level

Say GM?

Say GM?

Recycle Bin

Recycle Bin

Double Dragon

Double Dragon

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It’s a sad day when you realize artists creating retro art about technology that you grew up with and thought of as cutting-edge. This blog may as well have been sent by a telegram . Those not of an age that could appropriately experiment with any psychedelic during this time period can now have the experience of high school crush on AOL Instant Messanger only to start freaking out because the MS Paint window you have open slowly starts to leak onto your desk. All thanks to the work of Acid Soup.



#dailyspeed #2960

#dailyspeed #2960



#dailyspeed #2982

#dailyspeed #2982



#dailyspeed #2964

#dailyspeed #2964

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An entire blog could be dedicated to artists that have been here since 2018 and have yet to receive the recognition they deserve. There are enough articles about the top 10 NFT artists you need to know that regurgitate the same 10 (Beeple, Xcopy, Pak, etc.) while artists like Ilan Katin keep creating and just wait, patiently. Ilan consistently creates fast moving gifs that mesmerize the viewer with the hand drawn elements in motion. A seemingly endless supply of inspiration and creativity when the right collector finds Ilan’s work, these 1/1 pieces will go fast.

Each UNDRGRND DIGS will feature artists our curators have purchased for the UNDRGRND Collection.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter for more information: #UNDRGRND


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