Laresagara by Yogkus


5 Artists From the UNDRGRND Collection 

UNDRGRND DIGS is a periodical feature showcasing artists that the UNDRGRND curators dig. We sift through the social media and NFT platforms to find the best artists waiting to be discovered. UNDRGRND believes in the artists we feature and we will purchase NFTs from each artist featured.

View the Tezos UNDRGRND Collection













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The lack of knowledge we have about the world we inhabit is overwhelming. Delving into the art of Yogkus creates one of those moments when you realize there is so much more to the world than what you know. Yogkus’s work depict Javanese Wayang (poorly translated: puppet shadow show) characters each telling a different story. Classical Javanese puppet dramas use the shadows thrown by puppets manipulated by rods against a translucent screen lit from behind. Each piece by Yogkus is a brief glimpse into a culturally rich history of Indonesia, updated for the world and the modern era of technology. We could dediCate an entire article, class, or gallery exhibit to Yogkus’s work. Hopefully, soon, we can.

Hollyweird 1

Hollyweird 1

Ear inflammation

Ear inflammation

How I wish losing weight looked like.

How I wish losing weight looked like.

Cher and the Cockroaches

Cher and the Cockroaches

The taking tree.

The taking tree.

Hollyweird 3

Hollyweird 3

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The humor alone should be enough for anyone to become a fan of Daukante’s beautiful work. Playing on a childhood-favorite book The Giving Tree, Daukante creates The Taking Tree. Daukante’s work asks important questions and provides answers. It’s not clear why Cher and Cockroaches will survive the apocalypse, but it’s not hard to fathom considering Cher has proven to be indestructible throughout her life. One of the fascinating motifs in Daukante’s work: ears. It could be written off as simply a fascination with Van Goh, but what do we make of Ear Inflammation? There are more questions than answers and the more you look the more questions you find.

circulation #122

circulation #122

circulation #121

circulation #121

liquefy #20

liquefy #20

liquefy #19

liquefy #19

circulation #118

circulation #118

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Photoevaporation. The name is a perfect description of the style of art. Combining glitch art, animation, and creative coding to create these randomized pieces. The series Circulation looks like thermal radar showing the jet stream moving across the topography in a digitally corrupted screen while liquefying works as a top-down view of the image being liquefied and dropping to the floor beneath. Each series creates a new way to look at the name Photoevaporation and see the artist’s interpretation of what that could look like.



Deep Sensation

Deep Sensation

Holographic Dreams

Holographic Dreams

Masked Man

Masked Man

Trash King

Trash King

Wake Up!

Wake Up!

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Trash, glitch, and flash all combined to make the art of aBieKrasH. This collection of works all connects through what can only be described as world nightmares reminiscent of “The Upside Down” in the series Stranger Things. Most of aBieKrasH’s work feature silhouettes of characters all living in this alternate dimension composed of dreams. And now matter how desperate the pleas become in Wake Up! aBieKrash continues to fall victim to the nightmares that consume him. Let’s let him sleep a little longer so he can continue creating.

Livedots 2G-35-Tron

Livedots 2G-35-Tron

Livedots 2G-52

Livedots 2G-52

ConceptX 2G-26

ConceptX 2G-26

ConceptX 2G-23

ConceptX 2G-23

ConceptX 2G-5 Wall

ConceptX 2G-5 Wall

Livedots 2G-6

Livedots 2G-6

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The dots are alive, most of the time. Van Guard Design sends dots in motion in most of their work creating variations of distortions and effects that are mesmerizing each in their unique way. With an endless supply of iterations and desire to experiment there is more than enough art to catch any collector’s eye.

Each UNDRGRND DIGS will feature artists our curators have purchased for the UNDRGRND Collection.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter for more information: #UNDRGRND


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