Mindstorm by One More Time

MARCH 15TH, 2023

5 Artists From the UNDRGRND Collection 

UNDRGRND DIGS is a periodical feature showcasing artists that the UNDRGRND curators dig. We sift through the social media and NFT platforms to find the best artists waiting to be discovered. UNDRGRND believes in the artists we feature and we will purchase NFTs from each artist featured.

The blockchain symbol appearing next to the artist’s name indicates which UNDRGRND collection.

View the Tezos UNDRGRND Collection

View the Solana UNDRGRND Collection

Cylindrical Passenger Vehicle HM#09

Cylindrical Passenger Vehicle HM#09

Stalomir Cheap Beer

Stalomir Cheap Beer

Homeworld Memories #02 Food Place

Homeworld Memories #02 Food Place



The Bracelet HM#10

The Bracelet HM#10

Homeworld Memories #01 Warm Time

Homeworld Memories #01 Warm Time

Stalomir takes his audience to distant worlds in their series Home World Memories. Each memory tells a story from a home world completely unlike our own reminiscent of ‘70s-’80s sci-fi movies and books. Each scene transports us and expands on previous creations with rich world-building. Each one tells of different social aspects of these worlds from political, social, financial, ecological, and mundane everyday events like cooking dinner, making these memories all the more believable

Woman life freedom

Woman life freedom

‏The heart of Turkey

The heart of Turkey

For freedom

For freedom







These surreal digital paintings from Mernoush Ghaderi convey complex interpretive messages. In Woman life freedom the female subject is giving life internally and externally, with monstrous facial expressions, while an eye over her heart sheds a tear. This could illustrate what it takes for a woman to attain freedom and how much the outer world expects of them, while they are constantly torn down and hurt. Each work from Mernoush takes time to unpack and analyze each facet, except her love of the movie Ponyo, that much is clear.









Monkey Tower

Monkey Tower

Light Ripping

Light Ripping

Ukrainian AI artist One More Time blends architecture into serene environments. Their series Hermit Apart imagines introverted escapes high above the world filled with watchful eyes in tree tops protected from the rest of humanity. Much of One More Time’s work yearns for quiet, contemplative, and natural spaces. When paired with their work Mindstormwe all get a sense of why.

True Colours of Tranquility

True Colours of Tranquility

Rising From Ruins


Entagled in Love

Entagled in Love

Vicious Romance

Vicious Romance

True Colours of Serenity

True Colours of Serenity

Pavel LeBlanc pairs his digital paintings with quotes providing wonderful context to each work created. The most effective pairing of quotes comes with Pavel’s abstract paintings. In True Colours of Serenity, Pavel pairs this work with a quote from Sylvia Kristel, “The only thing I was trying to portray was serenity. Also, innocence, vulnerability, and elegance.” The truth with abstract art is that it can be anything the viewer wants and despite the creator’s intention of conveying one meaning, multiple interpretations are buried in each work.


coloring failed!

coloring failed!

I want to stay white

I want to stay white

Ghostly Love

Ghostly Love

It's not my day!

It's not my day!

In love with the snow

In love with the snow

Spooky Tuna House

Spooky Tuna House

The world of ghosts has never been so alive. Moonzi uses gothic scenes and undertones juxtaposed against color to add a splash of fun. Ghosts falling in love by division and avoiding colorization from our world to maintain their uniqueness all have a deeper message hidden in their whimsical nature. While the living may yearn for color and life, these ghosts are content with the lack of color and life in their world.

Each UNDRGRND DIGS will feature artists our curators have purchased for the UNDRGRND Collection.


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