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Being human is hard

Being poor is hard

Being human is hard

Being poor is hard

Being poor in difficult times is even harder

In difficult times, when no one sympathizes and you are pressured, it is even harder.

But don't let this suffering make you feel like a victim. Swallow your pride and find a way to overcome it, guys.

And whatever you do, you have to stay healthy. If you are already suffering and you are not healthy, life will be incredibly hard.

And before you want to be strong, beautiful or rich, you should be healthy. Only when you are healthy can you be strong, beautiful and rich for a long time.

Short-term health hacks that are not built on a foundation of HEALTH will quickly fade away. And when they are gone, the consequences will be terrible.

Ps. Don't indulge in beer and alcohol anymore, guys. It's bad for your health and your spirit.

And reduce your desire for greatness. It's also bad for your spirit. Every day, doing well the goal, learning something new, improving the quality of life even a little bit, and not doing anything stupid that harms others or yourself is a great success. Helping someone with something selfless is even better.

If you want to be rich, you must have a stable foundation or some outstanding talent. But these two things cannot be achieved overnight. You need to make constant efforts at the level of a decade or a generation. I heard a pretty good quote the other day: Do you think your 10 years of studying can compare to the efforts of 3 generations of other people?

Be happy with yourself and try to accumulate each day, guys.

Be healthy and sleep well on Saturday night.

But rich or poor, noble or humble, if your mind is calm and peaceful, you will find the moon at night beautiful, hear the wind blowing, feel good, sleep in the sound of the rain showers, feel cozy.

Meme is that I bring the moon home to enjoy.

Who buys the moon, I sell the moon to you

The moon lies still on the willow branch waiting

Who buys the moon, I sell the moon to you

I don't sell love or promises...

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