NB: I have not been able to upload pictures, even in Salamanca. Henceforth, the remaining posts shall constitute of just text, and a separate Google folder will hold the photos for the corresponding day.
(Back in) Salamanca.
The walk from Fuenterroble de Salvatierra was one of the toughest treks so far. The weather did not relent with the rain, so the only option was trudging the wet weather 28KM to San Pedro de Rosados, 31KM to Morille - and once the rain subsided - walk the remaining 19KM to Salamanca.
At a point during the walk, watching the dark clouds and anticipating the rain to fall at anytime felt similar to the when a hill would appear on the horizon and I am dreading the ascension over it. Once the rain began falling, I felt the frustration of wet clothes, and feet, and my only thought being that it should end.
In that moment when the rain fell, it felt like the Sun would not rise again; like I would always be wet and walking under dark pregnant clouds waiting to pour down on me, with no hope of respite.
But the even these moments of heavy rains and steep hills, are temporary and will pass. Just as the night is darkest before the dawn, the Sun remains - even behind the dark clouds - and will return once the rain ends and the clouds clear and the winds subside.
I did not get to see much of the city of Salamanca; maybe another time - but the warm shower and night's sleep was more than welcome after the rain philosophies and wisdom of wet feet.