1st of all, this isn’t meant as a complain or criticism on how the drop was done. i actually think Optimism did a great job. Yes, i qualified for 3 categories. and tbh, should be 5. and im sure im not the only one. Let me explain
I have separate wallets for the different chains. why? no, not at all trying to sybil attack. but coming more from a “security hygiene” perspective. That way, if unfortunately 1 wallet is comprimised, the others are safe, somewhat.
I still transacted on mainnet, but on a wallet that i use explicitly for mainnet only. yes, sometimes it crosses over when you’re trying not to get liquidated and looking for the fastest way to get funds on a certain chain for example.
I donated to gitcoin grants, but on zksync, because im a shrimp.
The airdrop was still good money & im extremely grateful for that, but if only there was a way to “link” wallets, it would have been life changing money.
This also brings another issue that i’m trying(but failing miserably at) to address. I’ll leave that for the next post.
wagmi anon,