It's a charity.

errrr thanks i guess?

Just when you think it couldnt get any worse? yeah, look at it & weep. esp to the rekted ones. people who literally have done nothing / not even fans of the protocol will be entitled 35% of the total distribution. How insane/awesome is that? LOL. But def smart play to get prices going again.

  • Post-attack LUNA holders: 10%

  • Post-attack UST holders: 20%

Yes, regardless of all my terra rants, i’m buying some for shits & giggles.. See what awaits me in the airdrop / new terra. announcements of future airdrops with snapshots date announced before the actual snapshot would usually see a dump, then a slow accumulation as the event draws closer then depending on your play, dump before snapshot? dump after snapshot?

As mentioned in my shiticle(shitty article), just like how politics work everywhere else in the world. it gives you the illusion that your vote matters.When in fact, its almost a slam dunk that this will pass whether you like it or not. Unless, some crazy mf clicks the yellow(below) button repeatedly. Who owns the most $LUNA? whoever they are, they decide your fate.

such a close race..


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