ALFAFRENS | Our method.

At Warpwatch, we always aim to be early in all projects to achieve two objectives. To understand them so we can explain them, and at the same time, to find ways to better utilize the application to convey this to our users.

That's why when we created our channel on AlfaFrens, our only goal was to share with subscribers our methods and what we were learning. However, the objectives and strategies have changed as our learning has evolved.

Before we begin to share our process, I want to identify 4 user groups that we have identified in the application and the type of user we consider them to be.

During this process, we have identified these 3 groups:

1. Alfa Channels: Channels of influential users in Warpcast or who are involved in some projects or have close information that can be truly Alfa. Most of these are in the top 20 channels in all categories. Starting with Wake, Imthedude, Bitfloorghost, Agusti, Edit, and this is simply mentioning the current top 5.

2. Users Accumulating $Alfa: There are people who are using the protocol solely for the purpose of accumulating $alfa.

3. Users Accumulating $Degen: There are other users whose only purpose is to accumulate $degen. Mainly this comes in a mix between the first and second groups.

While we have determined these three groups based on the behavior we see in the movement, we do not have data to support it, so it is important to note that everything written here is merely our perception.

That said, let's talk about our method.

How we started, where we are, and where we are going.

If you've been on our channel, you probably already know all this as we have posted it step by step there. However, we wanted to write about our journey so that more people could see it.

We started late but early enough to now be the #21 channels with 750 subscribers.

That said, let's begin.

How did we start?

The general idea of the channel was to be the channel that gave the most Alfa for every $degen in subscription value. Therefore, we subscribed to any channel that paid more than 250 $alfa for every 500 $degen of subscription. With the intention of earning those Alfa and staking them directly in the channel.

This method helped us to be among the first 50 to reach a volume of 5000 Degen and qualify for Airdrop 1 (not yet received).

Where are we now?

Later on, we saw how many people started to enter using the same method. This method, which would not be sustainable due to Gas fees and the continuous expense of $degen, nevertheless gave us enough to reach 250 subscribers.

At the same time, we noticed a couple of accounts that stood out in Cashback and later in Alfa Earn. This, combined with @markcarey's vision, made us see the strategy that we are currently using and is very profitable.

Before commenting on this, it is important to say that today almost all channels are balanced between the Alfa generated per subscription. So this strategy has helped us to break out of these margins, positioning ourselves at times in the top of cashback and in the top of $alfa generated.

The strategy.

Currently, we have about 6k $Alfa, which represents 50% of the stake in the channel.

First Unstake.

When removing the stake, our Cashback increases as we have a surplus compared to the number of subscribers.

The users who came for the $alfa earned per subscription are retained because they are subscribed to many channels and the high gas makes it difficult to consider unsubscribing immediately.

The high cashback attracts more Stakers, covering what we removed.

That is, at this moment, the previous stakers have a boost in their cashback for 24 hours and our freed space fills up quickly.

Second Stake.

Once the cooldown period for stake has passed, we stake our $alfa again.

If all the freed portion has been covered, our participation in our channel would decrease from 50% to 33%. But as the total amount of Alfa has increased due to the stakers who covered my space, the amount of Stake will be higher.

With a higher Stake amount, the $alfa earned per subscription increases. Which attracts new subscribers. And then it's just a matter of repeating the cycle.

Speaking of not-so-accurate numbers since I didn't take notes.

Before the first unstake.
240 Subs.
12 Stakers.

After the Unstake cooldown and restaking.
540 subs.
30 stakers.

Next cycle
750 subs.
70 stakers.

Now we are at the moment of unstake, and I would expect that once we stake the Alfa again, the subs could reach 1K Degen.

This method benefit the $degen cashback hunters for moments and then for other moments the $alfa hunters.

Where are we going?

We are aware that this strategy is functional today due to the following factors.

  • High gas fees.

  • The $alfa token is not tradable, which makes users want to have more without the possibility of selling.

When one of these two changes, there will be many unsubscriptions, so we want to take advantage of that to share our experience in what we are doing in the projects that have recently come out or new market opportunities to retain users.

As we did with:

  • Alfafrens Strategy.

  • When Jam keys were released.

  • Bracket Game in Farcon.

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