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OP Bulletin

OP Bulletin: Mission Requests & EIP-4844 | Mar. 14th

Weekly insights on the Optimism Collective

Here we are after a full day of blob memes. Let’s dive into this week’s OP Bulletin.

TL;DR - top 5 of the week

  • 4844 🤝 OP Mainnet

  • We ❤️ the Art winners

  • The Path to Metagovernance

  • R1 Mission Request Preliminary Review Roundup

  • Mission Requests Round 2 open

🌐 Ecosystem News

4844 🤝 OP Mainnet

Yesterday EIP-4844 went live on the Ethereum mainnet! 

The EIP-4844 upgrade introduces protodanksharding, advancing Ethereum’s transaction architecture. This upgrade implements blob-carrying transactions, KZG commitments, and brings changes to the consensus layer storage. These changes collectively lead to a reduction in operational costs, marking a crucial milestone in Ethereum's scaling efforts.
Implementation went live on Optimism at midnight and transaction costs in OP Mainnet went way down. Median transaction costs for OP Mainnet are just  ∼ $0.02 USD!

We ❤️ the Art winners

On Monday the final list of We ❤️ the Art winners was announced! 

We ❤️ The Art is an initiative to celebrate onchain artists. The contest split a pool of 1,200,000 OP prize between four categories. Over 7,000 creators submitted their art, judging took multiple rounds until the 188 winners were selected. Read the full announcement.

Fault proofs to OP Sepolia

According to Kelvin Fichter and Ryan Wyatt, permissionless fault proofs will be shipped to OP Sepolia testnet in about 6 days.

📰 Governance News & proposals

Discussion: The Path to Metagovernance

Metagovernance is the process of governing governance. In Optimism, the Collective gradually takes on more responsibility for the system and governance responsibilities, facilitated by the Foundation based on community feedback. 

The Path of metagovernance post discusses the roadmap by which proposing design changes to the system will evolve over time. It outlines how the community is currently involved and the ‘path to metagovernance’, multiple phases to further include the community in metagovernance and gradually formalize the feedback process on governance design.

Phases are still in development. However, building shared context within the Collective is necessary to move into Phase 1, where community feedback will be incorporated during the design process. You can browse through the Optimism Open Metagovernance Design Resources in the Collective DAO Archives. Lavande also walked through this post and provided more useful context in this week’s Collective Community Call, here’s the recording.

💵 Grant News

R1 Mission Requests - Preliminary Grant Review Roundup

Before moving to the Decision Period, the Grant Council posts a Grant Review Roundup. This Preliminary Review of Round 1 was posted earlier today. All submissions were thoroughly evaluated and 105 proposers will be considered for Final Review. Cycle 19 Final Grant Decisions Roundup deadline is set for Mar 27th.

Some Mission Requests will not be receiving submissions in round 2, these were marked as ‘closed’. Only round 1 finalists will be considered for these. Mission Requests marked as ‘continue’ or ‘push forward’ will open in round 2, with the distinction that ‘continue’ MR will choose finalists and open again for submissions, while ‘push forward’ will consider finalists from round 1 at the end of round 2.

Check out the Preliminary Review Roundup.

Mission Requests Round 2

The submission period for Mission Requests Round 2 opened today at 7pm GMT for all existing mission requests except these:

Intent 3

  • An optimistic future for art

  • Delivering a best in class perp DEX MR

  • Superchain Accounts

Intent 4

  • Building Identity - driving adoption of attestations

  • Making impact evaluation accessible

  • Grants Supertracker

Those interested in applying for the available Mission Requests can prepare their submissions by reading the Charmverse and Mission Application Guide.

As always, if you have any questions you can ask your questions on the #mission-grants channel in the Optimism Discord or attend the Grants Council Office Hours on Monday, link in the Governance Calendar.

🗳️Voting Reminders

No active proposals at the moment.

Upcoming Calls

  • Grants Council Office Hours [Monday, March 18th]

  • ACC Office Hours [Thursday, March 21st]

You can add Optimism governance calls to your calendar here.

🔴✨ Optimism Collective Resources

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