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OP Bulletin

OP Bulletin: Protocol Upgrades are coming and Retro Funding 4 application process | Apr. 25th

Weekly insights on the Optimism Collective

TL;DR - top 5 of the week

  • Celo to build on the OP Stack

  • Lisk partners with Rarible

  • Improve advanced delegation proposal passed

  • Protocol Upgrades are coming

  • Retro Funding 4: application and review process

  • Optimism Collective Speed Networking this Friday!

🌐 Ecosystem News

Celo to build on the OP Stack

On Earth Day, April 22nd 2024, Celo celebrated its 4th anniversary with an announcement: its migration to become an L2 building on top of the OP Stack. 

Following Celo Labs’ proposal for the blockchain’s migration at last year’s ETHCC, a community vote and multiple tests Celo implemented a hard fork to prepare for the migration. This will bring many benefits for Celo, including reduction in block time, a 50% increase in throughput and enhanced security bridging to Ethereum. “Building with the OP Stack allows a clear path to deploy an L2 without compromising Celo community needs”

Celo anticipated the launch on the OP Stack on testnet could happen as early as Summer 2024. Welcome to the OP Stack, Celo!

Read the announcement | Hear more about Celo’s journey to join the Optimism Collective

Lisk partners with Rarible

Lisk, a member of the Superchain not yet on mainnet, has partnered with Rarible. This partnership will enable Rarible SDK + APIs for all Lisk builders. This will allow apps, wallets, and marketplaces on Lisk to have real-time access to the status of NFT ownership and their origins.

Read more here.

📰 Governance News & proposals

❗️We are in Voting Cycle #22 Review Period

Improve advanced delegation proposal passed

After passing the Token House vote, the proposal moved on to the Citizens House Veto vote. The proposal passed, receiving no veto votes.

The “Improve advanced delegation” proposal includes a governor update that enables voters with advanced delegated voting power to cast their votes in a single transaction, enhancing and simplifying voting experience

Learn more about the proposal

Protocol Upgrades are coming

On this week’s Joint House Community Call,  Ben Jones provided an overview of different protocol upgrades that the Optimism Collective will be voted on Voting Cycle #23A (May 23 - May 29).

  1. Governor Upgrade including UX improvements and bug fixes.

  2. Protocol Upgrade: This upgrade will bring Fault Proofs on mainnet. Feature completeness will be high, this upgrade will allow anyone to propose the state of Optimism, and anyone to prove them wrong permissionlessly.

  3. Protocol Upgrade: Pause structure modification. This upgrade will shift the ability to pause in the event of an emergency over the Security Council, resulting in both the Security Council and Foundation having the ability to pause the system. In the event of capture, the Security Council will be able to revoke the Foundation’s pausing ability. 

Both protocol upgrades prepare Optimism for Stage 1.

More details to be announced when the proposals are published.

🗳️Voting Reminders

No active proposals at the moment.

💵 Grant News

Retro Funding 4: Application process 

As introduced in this post and this post, Retro Funding 4 applicants will be evaluated according to metrics. Yesterday new details for the application process and review were posted. Here’s what you need to know.

Eligibility Requirements

Beyond meeting the scope, projects are required to collect certain artifacts before applying, including verification of ownership of the project’s Github Repo, verification of ownership over a contract or set of contracts, and providing verification over NPM packages.

What’s new in the application process

You’ll need to sign in via a Farcaster account. This will aid in account recovery and allow for a project to change their address and email associated if needed. Retro Funding hopes to benefit from these functionalities among others such as account verifications - which enables users to import elements of their identity (NFTs, ENS) from their other Etherum accounts. Additionally, signing in through Farcaster allows for long term individual and project identity. 

You will need to create a project before beginning the application process. This decision is based upon learnings from previous rounds, allowing for a lasting project’s identity instead of it being related to a specific application. Separating applicants from projects reflects the nature of projects as it makes it possible for projects to be run by multiple people, and for those people to change over time. It enables projects to build reputation by consistently creating impact and receiving funding, as well as for individuals to build their own reputation.

Read more detailsRetro Funding 4 Checklist for Builders and Voters | Retro Funding 4 post

Retro Funding 4: Review Process

The Review Process for Retro Funding Round 4 has been released. This includes a proposed review process for Retro Funding rounds. Read it here

The post goes over the application review process for Retro Funding 4:

  1. Eligibility criteria and application rules are established

  2. Retro Funding application submissions: the sign up flow is enforcing some of the eligibility criteria (e.g. applicant needs to provide Github, onchain contracts etc.)

  3. Application review Phase 1. Applications that don't meet eligibility criteria or are spam will be automatically excluded. Applications then move to a Manual Human review.

  4. Appeals: All applicants excluded in review phase 1 can hand in an appeal

  5. Application review phase 2: appeals are reviewed by badgeholders

  6. Application attestation: Following application review, attestations which indicate approval or rejection are issued for each Retro Funding application.

The post also includes the draft of application rules for round 4.

Upcoming Calls

  • Joint House speed networking session: an opportunity to get to know governance members [Friday, April 26th]

  • Grants Council Office Hours [Monday, April 29th]

  • ACC Office Hours [Thursday, May 2nd]

You can add Optimism governance calls to your calendar here.

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