Smooth Web3’s Edges to Delight Customers and Diminish Claims!

Recently, we hosted a webinar for our web3 clients emphasizing the significance of minimizing legal claims and liabilities through enhanced client experiences. We argued that by streamlining web3 products and services, we can elevate customer satisfaction and subsequently decrease the number of claims. Below is a summary of the session.

The New Slippery World We Live In

Web3 represents a frozen, slippery lake where users and businesses venture, seeking digital opportunities while cautiously avoiding potential slips and falls. The icy expanse is unfamiliar and treacherous, requiring careful, deliberate navigation to prevent unfortunate mishaps.

Detailing Smooth Navigation

On the icy surface of Web3, each step can be perilous without the right precautions and understanding of the environment. The technological landscape of Web3 is slick with complex protocols, smart contracts, and cryptographic mechanisms that may disorient and trip inexperienced users. It is imperative for platforms to introduce features and interfaces that function as a reliable set of traction devices, helping users navigate with minimal friction and maximum ease.

Research elucidating the precise relationship between friction reduction in web3 companies’ offerings, enhanced client satisfaction, and a subsequent decrease in claims and litigation is somewhat scant. Nonetheless, there's a glimmer of evidence, faint but suggestive, that such a correlation might indeed be woven through the digital tapestry of the web3 space.

A noteworthy analysis conducted by the World Economic Forum shines a light on this subtle dynamic, revealing that business entities adept in smoothing out the rough patches along their customer journeys often bask in the glow of customer satisfaction. In these climates where the customer journey is as smooth as ice, the likelihood of facing the frosty gusts of complaints and legal disputes dwindles, mirroring a tranquil winter scene rather than a storm.

Similarly, insights gleaned from a thoughtful examination by the Harvard Business Review echo these findings. Companies sinking their resources into initiatives aimed at boosting customer satisfaction often observe that the cloudy skies of claims and litigation start to clear, ushering in a serene, dispute-free atmosphere conducive to business growth and customer loyalty.

Drawing from these insights, one could cautiously hypothesize that if web3 firms skillfully minimize friction and foster a satisfying and intuitive experience for clients, the shadows of claims and litigation may retreat. Satisfied customers, finding their interactions seamless and their expectations met, are arguably less inclined to embark on the tumultuous journey of legal action against the firms serving them. Thus, for web3 companies, crafting a frictionless client experience might not only be the beacon of client contentment but also a shield warding off the approaching legal storms.

By establishing straightforward terms of service, privacy policies, and user agreements, platforms can protect both themselves and their users from potential legal consequences. These documents should be easily accessible and understandable, acting as guideposts and warnings on the ice that inform and protect everyone involved.


Navigating the complex and sometimes slippery landscape of Web3 requires tools and strategies that ensure not only user-friendliness but also legal security. By increasing the ease of use through thoughtful design and transparent communication, we can foster trust and reduce the likelihood of claims and litigation. With these elements in place, Web3 can transform from a potentially hazardous terrain to a realm filled with opportunities and adventures, paving the way for a safer and more enriching digital future.

Mitch Jackson

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