What to Do After Discovering Your NFT Has Been Stolen: A Comprehensive Guide

The rise of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has brought about a new wave of digital asset ownership. However, with the increasing popularity of NFTs, the risk of theft and fraud has also grown.

In this article, I will explore the necessary steps and details that a victim, such as Jill, should follow after discovering that her NFT has been stolen from the popular OpenSea platform. While I use OpenSea as an example, most of what I discuss in the following article applies to most of the hosting platforms.

1. Documentation

The first step in responding to an NFT theft is to gather and document all relevant information. This documentation will be crucial for any subsequent investigation and legal action. Here are some key pieces of information that Jill should collect:

Proof of Ownership

Gather any evidence that establishes Jill as the rightful owner of the stolen NFT. This may include purchase receipts, blockchain transaction records, or any other documentation that links Jill to the NFT.

Description of the Stolen NFT

Create a detailed description of the stolen NFT, including its title, artist, edition number (if applicable), and any unique characteristics that can help identify it. This includes any screenshots you have of your NFT.


Document the timeline of events leading up to the discovery of the theft. Include dates and times of any suspicious activities or interactions related to the NFT.

2. Investigation

Once Jill has gathered all relevant documentation, she should conduct her own investigation to gather additional evidence and identify potential leads. Here are some steps she can take:

Review Transaction History

Carefully examine her transaction history on OpenSea and other relevant platforms like https://etherscan.io/ to identify any suspicious transactions or activities.

Contact OpenSea Support

If your NFT has been stolen, delisted, or frozen on OpenSea, you should take the following steps:

Send an email to antifraud@opensea.io.

In your subject line, write “Stolen NFT.”

Include the token ID, URL, and collection in the body text and a contact address.

Include as much information about how the NFT was obtained unlawfully as possible.

Monitor Online Marketplaces

Keep an eye on various online marketplaces, including both centralized and decentralized platforms, for any listings or sales of her stolen NFT. This can help identify potential buyers or sellers involved in the theft.

Utilize Professional Blockchain Services

Services like Blockchain Forensics can help you investigate and identify wrongdoers when it comes to more expensive thefts. https://cipherblade.com/blockchain-forensics/

3. Report to Law Enforcement

Reporting the theft to the appropriate authorities is a crucial step in pursuing legal action and increasing the chances of recovering the stolen NFT. Here’s what Jill should do:

Local Law Enforcement

Contact local law enforcement agencies and file a police report detailing the theft. Provide them with all relevant documentation and evidence gathered during her investigation.

Federal Law Enforcement

If the value of the stolen NFT exceeds a certain threshold or if there is evidence of interstate or international involvement, Jill should consider reporting the theft to federal law enforcement agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or the Cybercrime Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ).

4. Legal Steps

Engaging legal professionals can help victims navigate complex legal processes and increase their chances of recovering their stolen NFT. Here are some legal steps Jill should consider:

Consult an Attorney

Seek legal advice from an attorney specializing in cybercrime or intellectual property law. They can guide Jill through the legal process, help her understand her rights, and represent her interests in any legal proceedings.

Cease-and-Desist Letter

If Jill identifies potential buyers or sellers involved in the theft, her attorney can send a cease-and-desist letter demanding the immediate return of the stolen NFT. This letter serves as a formal notice and may prompt cooperation from those involved.

Civil Lawsuit

If all other avenues fail to recover the stolen NFT, Jill may consider filing a civil lawsuit against those responsible for the theft. Her attorney can help her navigate this process and seek appropriate legal remedies. Litigation in a decentralized world can be expensive and complicated and I mentioned some of these challenges in this prior article.

Here’s an article to help you find a good web3 lawyer.

5. Terms of Service (TOS) Agreements

TOS agreements play a significant role in determining users’ rights and responsibilities on online platforms like OpenSea. It is essential for victims like Jill to review these agreements carefully to understand their rights in case of theft or fraud. Here are some key points to consider:

Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

TOS agreements often outline dispute resolution mechanisms such as arbitration or mediation processes that users must follow before pursuing legal action.

Liability Limitations

TOS agreements may contain clauses that limit platforms’ liability for theft or fraud-related incidents. Assumption of risk provisions also limit the liability of host platforms like OpenSea. Victims should be aware of these limitations when seeking compensation or damages.

Intellectual Property Rights

Review TOS agreements for provisions related to intellectual property rights, including ownership and licensing terms for NFTs. Understanding these provisions can help victims protect their rights in case of theft. It’s probably a good idea to take a few minutes to review the TOS agreements of platforms you use. Here’s the TOS for OpenSea https://opensea.io/tos


Discovering that your NFT has been stolen can be a distressing experience. However, by following these steps and understanding your rights as a victim, you can increase your chances of recovering your stolen NFT and holding those responsible accountable.

Remember: Prevention is always better than cure! Take proactive measures to secure your digital assets by using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and staying vigilant against phishing attempts.


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