The future of search? Not so much.

We're hearing a lot of buzz about AI-powered search engines. They're going to change everything, disrupt Google, and usher in a new era of instant answers and deep insights. At least, that's the promise.

But promises are easy. Delivering is hard.

AI search is still in its infancy. It's a toddler taking its first steps, not a sprinter ready for the Olympics. Language models can generate impressive responses but are acutely prone to errors, biases, and outright hallucinations. Without robust quality control, these AI engines will spread misinformation faster than truth.

And there's still the money to worry about. The same economic forces that shaped traditional search will shape AI search. As these tools become more valuable, companies will prioritize paid results over user experience. And AI's opaque nature will only make it harder for users to spot bias and manipulation.

AI search engines trained on biased data will reinforce users' existing beliefs. They sure as shit won't challenge prejudices and ideas. Without careful attention to fairness and accountability, we're running at a break-neck pace toward search tools that are unreliable and deeply harmful.

I'm not anti-AI. But we can't treat it as a magic wand that will let us wish away all the problems of traditional search. That's nothing short of delusional.

The real opportunity is not to build better AI-powered search algorithms. It's to create tools designed around user needs, information quality, and the public good over short-term profits. And that will only happen through a collaborative effort across industry, academia, and government to develop standards and best practices for responsible AI development.

The AI search revolution is coming, but it's not the clear-cut win many are making it out to be. Don't believe the hype. Ask the hard questions. Demand better. The future of search is too important to leave to hopium.

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